Dragon’s Crossing — Town Hall 5 (Summary)

Dragon’s Crossing
3 min readApr 7, 2023

Hosted by Granite, featuring founder Samichpunch & consultant Mettez.

For those who didn’t watch Dragon Crossing’s Town Hall 5, here’s a quick summary:

  • The Genesis Hero mint prices were revealed. Here are the differences between the public mint and the whitelist mint prices: (15:21)
  • Here are more details about how the whitelist mint phase will work:
  • We also got a few pieces of preview of the white paper: (18:48)
  • There will be no liquidity farming in this game. You need to play the game to earn rewards. (27:51)
  • The team is focusing on sustainable tokenomics. This will create a viable in-game economy. (28:12)
  • There will be winners and losers in the game. To participate in the season competition, you’ll need to pay a sort of entry fee in $DCX. Based on your gameplay performance, you will either end up winning more than what you paid if you played well, break even if you played average, or end up losing money if you played poorly. (28:40)
  • There is also a non-season mode. This won’t require paying a fee to opt in, but the rewards will be different. (29:47)
  • All NFTs will be tradable in an external marketplace. (35:06)
  • The game’s native token $DCX will be tradable through an automated market maker. (35:15)
  • Items equipped on a hero are transferred with the hero when trading it. There will be a stash available to unequip and keep items that don’t want to be transferred. (37:05)
  • There won’t in-game player-to-player communication at game launch. But this is a feature that is being considered for the future. (38:45)
  • The currency that will be used to mint Genesis Heroes will be announced soon. It will be pegged to a dollar amount. (39:25)

This summary only includes new information released during this Town Hall. I still encourage you to watch the full video to get 100% of the information.

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Dragon’s Crossing

Combining my love for gaming and web3 technology to explore the possibilities and potential of this exciting space.