Summary & Actionable tips from “Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks” by Barry McDonagh

5 min readJun 22, 2023


Attention, anxiety warriors! It’s time to take a big, bold leap into the world of fear-busting with Barry McDonagh’s “Dare”. This book is like a rollercoaster ride, but instead of stomach-churning drops, it’s filled with jaw-dropping techniques to face anxiety head-on. McDonagh shows us that anxiety is no match for our courage and determination. With his witty and straightforward approach, he guides us through the twists and turns of panic attacks, leaving us feeling empowered and ready to take on the world (or at least a crowded elevator).

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Chapter 1: Introduction

In the introduction, McDonagh shares his personal journey with anxiety and panic attacks, establishing his credibility as someone who has experienced these challenges firsthand. He discusses the limitations of conventional anxiety management techniques and introduces the concept of the DARE response as a new and effective approach.

Chapter 2: The Fear of Fear

McDonagh explores the fear of fear cycle, which is at the core of anxiety. He explains how the fear of experiencing anxiety symptoms can actually intensify those symptoms and perpetuate the cycle of anxiety. By understanding this cycle, individuals can start breaking free from its grip.

Chapter 3: The DARE Response

This chapter dives into the four steps of the DARE response: Diffuse, Allow, Run towards, and Engage. McDonagh explains that these steps work together to shift individuals from a reactive mode to a proactive mode when facing anxiety. He highlights the importance of understanding and implementing each step to effectively manage anxiety and panic attacks.

Chapter 4: Diffuse

The Diffuse step focuses on changing one’s relationship with anxious thoughts. McDonagh guides readers in recognizing that thoughts are not facts and helps them adopt a more detached perspective. By learning to diffuse anxious thoughts, individuals can reduce their intensity and influence on emotions.

Chapter 5: Allow

In this chapter, McDonagh emphasizes the significance of allowing anxiety to exist without resistance. He explains that fighting against anxiety can make it stronger, while accepting and embracing it can help reduce its impact. McDonagh provides techniques to cultivate acceptance and a non-resistant attitude toward anxiety.

Chapter 6: Run Towards

The Run towards step encourages individuals to face their fears and confront anxiety-provoking situations rather than avoiding them. McDonagh explains that avoidance perpetuates anxiety and limits personal growth. He offers guidance on gradual exposure and desensitization techniques to build resilience and break the cycle of avoidance.

Chapter 7: Engage

McDonagh introduces the Engage step, which involves redirecting attention and energy away from anxiety and toward meaningful activities and connections. By engaging fully in life, individuals can reduce the grip of anxiety and regain a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Chapter 8: The Fear of Losing Control

This chapter focuses on the fear of losing control, a common concern among individuals with anxiety. McDonagh explores the origins of this fear and offers practical strategies to challenge distorted thinking patterns associated with it. He provides tools to help individuals regain a sense of control over their lives.

Chapter 9: Health Anxiety

Addressing health anxiety, McDonagh discusses the excessive worry and preoccupation with health-related concerns. He explains the cycle of health anxiety and provides techniques to challenge irrational thoughts, develop healthier perspectives, and engage in self-care practices.

Chapter 10: Social Anxiety

McDonagh delves into social anxiety, which is characterized by intense fear and self-consciousness in social situations. He provides guidance on overcoming social fears, building confidence, improving social skills, and developing a more positive mindset when engaging with others.

Chapter 11: Panic Attacks

This chapter specifically focuses on panic attacks, sudden and intense episodes of fear and discomfort. McDonagh helps individuals understand the nature of panic attacks, their triggers, and the fear associated with them. He provides practical strategies to manage and overcome panic attacks, including deep breathing techniques and cognitive restructuring.

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Each chapter in “Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks” offers practical insights, real-life examples, and step-by-step guidance. McDonagh’s approach empowers readers to take control of their anxiety and transform their lives.

Tips and Tricks from the book

Here is a list of some of the tricks and techniques discussed in the book :

1. Defusion: Learning to detach from anxious thoughts by observing them without judgment and recognizing that they are just thoughts, not necessarily reality.

2. Acceptance: Embracing the discomfort of anxiety rather than fighting against it, allowing it to come and go without resistance.

3. Repeating the ‘Dare Response’: Instead of trying to avoid or escape anxiety, actively welcoming it and saying, “I welcome this feeling. Come at me!”

4. Dropping the Safety Behaviors: Letting go of the rituals and behaviors we use to feel safe and secure, as they often perpetuate anxiety.

5. Staying in the Moment: Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present rather than getting caught up in future what-ifs and catastrophic thinking.

6. Tackling Panic Attacks: Confronting panic attacks head-on by leaning into the physical sensations and allowing them to pass naturally.

7. Changing the Perception of Anxiety Symptoms: Shifting our mindset to see anxiety symptoms as harmless and not indicative of danger or impending doom.

8. Gradual Exposure: Gradually facing feared situations or triggers in a step-by-step manner, starting with small challenges and progressively working up to bigger ones.

9. Self-Talk: Using positive and empowering self-talk to counter negative thoughts and beliefs that fuel anxiety.

10. Taking Action: Engaging in activities and behaviors that align with our values and goals, even in the presence of anxiety, to show ourselves that we are capable and resilient.

11. Building a Support System: Seeking support from loved ones, joining support groups, or considering therapy to share experiences and receive encouragement.

12. Reframing Fear: Viewing anxiety as a natural response and an opportunity for growth and personal development rather than something to be feared and avoided.

Get your Free eBook with Printable Templates to implement the techniques from the book Here

Remember, this is just a brief overview of some of the tricks and techniques presented in the book. For a more comprehensive understanding and guidance, it’s highly recommended to read the book in its entirety.

