Another round of conferences!

Enjoy Life
3 min readOct 2, 2017


EnjoyLife founder Andrey Makarchev attending “Olerom Forum 1”

EnjoyLife are glad to share with you our latest news!

Last week was full of actions and events. Starting from Friday, our EnjoyLife team visited the 2nd Blockchain Conference Meetup hosted by Blockchain Club Odessa.

The event was exciting: a lot of bright talents and interesting ideas regarding the future development of Blockchain technology, but also a very important feedback was received regarding our project. We have managed to meet Sergey Tolmachev- one of Wavesplatform developers, and discuss with him key aspects of crypto world and hear his opinion about our product.

EnjoyLife founder Andrey Makarchev and Wavesplatform developer Sergey Tolmachev at the 2nd Blockchain Conference Meetup in Odessa
EnjoyLife founder Andrey Makarchev and Wavesplatform developer Sergey Tolmachev

Another highlight of this of this evening was Nik Bailo- Full Stack Engineer in Satoshi Fund. The exchange of ideas and also professional feedback- is what we consider vital in terms of success of anyone! We would like to express our deep gratitude for having this conversation and experience!

EnjoyLife founder Andrey Makarchev and Full Stack Engineer in Satoshi Nik Bailo at the 2nd Blockchain Conference Meetup in Odessa
EnjoyLife founder Andrey Makarchev and Full Stack Engineer in Satoshi Nik Bailo at the 2nd Blockchain Conference Meetup in Odessa

Olerom Forum One was one of a kind! This event was held on September, 30th and gathered the brightest mind of the world: Steve Wozniak- Co-founder of Apple, Marhsall Goldsmith- The world’s most titular business coach, Charles Adler- Co- founder of Kickstarter etc.

Steve Wozniak attending the Olerom Forum One

Overall, it was a great experience! Useful tips, opinions, advice and feedback- everything was there! We are happy and feel energized, but the most important is that we have received positive feedback on our product. What could be better than to share your success with the ones who are “PRO” in this?

Stay and touch and we will be back soon with another updates regarding EnjoyLife project!



Enjoy Life

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