Research-Backed Tactics to Help You Stick To and Make Decisions More Easily

How to make decisions you won’t regret later.

Anangsha Alammyan
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readOct 26, 2020


Photo by hang niu on Unsplash

You might have agonised over making decisions — especially ones that involve either hurting yourself or hurting someone else. According to Psychology Today, indecision can stem from anxiety. Fear of making the wrong decision and suffering the consequences often inhibits people.

As a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience established, anxiety selectively shuts down certain connections in the brain, making it more difficult for a person to screen out irrelevant information and make better decisions. Once a decision is made, it’s not possible to turn back. That’s what makes decisions so scary. Their permanent nature makes so many of us avoid making them for an entire lifetime, often locking ourselves up in a shell of self-inflicted despair.

Thankfully, there are some science-backed steps you can follow to make the decision-making process easier. In this post, I’m going to discuss some strategies that will help you make your mind up sooner and stick to the choices you made without harbouring regrets.

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