Push vs. Pull

The swing of a door has a bigger impact than you think.

Chris Fato
2 min readApr 15, 2014

Ok, to start I am not an architect or an interior designer. Although in my profession I have to understand those disciplines and respect their rules.

But there’s one rule that needs to be broken. And I’m not even sure it’s a rule. Just a “its always been done that way” rule of thumb. I’m talking about push vs. pull for a public restroom door.

In todays chaotic, germ-a-phobic, hypochondriac society we have ways of keeping our selves clean that wasn’t even thought of a year ago, let alone 10 or 20 years ago. And with good reason. Germs and sickness spreads like crazy and anything we can do to prevent that is ok in my book.

So this brings me to my point.

With motion toilettes. Motion faucets. Motion hand dryers why in the hell are we still given the option to PULL open the restroom door? Anyone? I’m looking at you before mentioned architects and interior designers?!?! Think about it. Do your business. Wash your hands. Air (blow) dry your hands and what?!? grab the door handle to leave? No.

Some public places get it. PULL open the door to go in and PUSH it to leave. This is how it should be. Sure we have the extra waste basket by the door to have a papertowel in hand to touch the door handle. There’s even this bracket you can put on the bottom of a door to use your foot to open the door. These are temporary fixes. The issue is we don’t want to touch anything in a public restroom! Again, why make us touch the one spot every other person has touched in that room?

Architects, Interior Designers and General Contractors. Please think, when you are out in public and you grab that “extra” paper towel to open the door. Remember you (and every other person who came before you) could have made the difference in that design.

I completely understand that even if the door swings out you still have to touch the door. But, the way you touch the door to open it is different. Theres kickplates at the bottom for your foot to push it open. Your elbow. Hell, even lean into it is better that grabbing a handle.

Maybe I’m over thinking this….. You decide.

