Guess Who’s Back!

Anna Crook
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2018

This June 4–7, join us for our second year at the San Jose Marriott, San Jose. That’s right — we’re sticking with last year’s awesome venue, our favourite neighbours (WWDC), adding extra events to our schedule (read below for more exciting details) and inviting you — our awesome community! Tickets are now available here.

Some of the awesome stuff we’ve got in store for you this year includes:

  • 2 speaker tracks of community talks— want to be one of our speakers? Sign up here until 28th April, midnight PDT.
  • 2 rooms for community labs —labs are a place to get expert advice, discuss ideas, and learn something new. Watch this space for when we open our call for participation so you can submit topics you’re interested in hosting, and highlight subject areas you’d like to see covered.
  • Hallway filled with sponsors — want to become one of them? Email us: Virgil Security and Mac Stadium have already signed up and will see you there!


Yep. We enjoyed last year’s shenanigans with ATP so much that we thought we’d bring it back and add none other than Relay FM in to the mix! Here’s how it’s going to happen:

More details of what this looks like will follow soon, but rest assured both events are set to be very exciting (and may involve a sing along — maybe).

As with every year, we’re run by and for the community, which means we appreciate any and all offers to get involved. If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer, now is your chance. You can sign up here!

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

AltConf 2018 will be held June 4–7th, at the San Jose Marriott, 301 S. Market St, San Jose, CA. Follow us on Twitter @altconference for more updates.

