Strategic Narratives In Cyberspace: A Geopolitical Perspective

Ervin Zubic


Explore the balance of power, sovereignty, and multilateralism in shaping the Internet’s future. Discover how the EU, Russia, and India craft digital destinies, influencing cybersecurity and international diplomacy.

Geopolitical Balance Sketch in Cyberspace Governance
Digital Diplomacy. Image created using DALL-E.


The digital age has ushered in complex challenges in cyberspace governance, necessitating a strategic approach to understanding and navigating the intricacies of multilateral governance. This review explores the insightful research by André Barrinha and Rebecca Turner, published in 2024, focusing on how the European Union, Russia, and India craft and project their strategic narratives within the domain of cyberspace governance.

What is cybersecurity governance? Cybersecurity governance encompasses a holistic strategy integrating with organizational operations to prevent disruptions from cyber threats. Key features include accountability frameworks, decision-making hierarchies, defined risks, mitigation plans, and oversight processes.

Summary of the Research…



Ervin Zubic

Writing about cyber threat intelligence, OSINT, financial crime, and blockchain forensics. Follow me on Twitter for the latest insights.