Discernment of Spirits (2)

Discernment and Profit

Femi Senjobi
2 min readDec 16, 2020


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The gifts and manifestation of the Spirit are primarily for profit (1 Cor 12:7). There is no profit if all we are able to do is sense danger and avoid it. That is not yet a profit. That’s still security. It is basically keeping everything we have safe. That is great but there is more. Profit adds to what you have. Profit is increase. Profit makes us better off. We may stay safe and preserve what we have by discerning negativity. But the way to profit from discernment is to discern the move of God and align ourselves.

We will also not downplay discernment in the area of defense. Not at all. When the scriptures say we should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil, one of the greatest weapons against deception is discernment. God isn’t just concerned about us knowing that the devil is at work and shut down. No! He wants us to uncover His strategy so we can get to work! Everything may look great and spotless, but when we are discerning we are able to unpack the powers and influences around us.

In dealing with people, discernment is vital too. We can be either suspicious or discerning. Suspicion creates a layer of defense around us. It separates and isolates us. It makes us manifest hatred in the blind. It makes us withdraw the hand of fellowship outrightly without knowing why for sure. But discernment is laser-focused on the problem, not the person. Jesus discerned the devil speaking through Peter. He didn’t cut Peter off. He addressed the Devil and corrected Peter. Suspicion is not discernment.

Discernment is not only meant to raise red flags, it also gives a green light. It not only reveals the forces at work. It reveals the intent and purpose as well. With this, we can know to guard our hearts diligently or open them up. With this, we can pick the good and discard the evil. With Discernment, we can address the influence and preserve the people.

Other Posts in the Discernment Series

  1. Discernment of Spirits
  2. Discernment and Profit
  3. Discernment and Worship
  4. Discernment and the World
  5. Discernment and the Word

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Femi Senjobi

Celebrate Justification | Participate in Sanctification | Anticipate Glorification