The Tinder Drinking Game

1 min readJan 1, 2016

This is the straight male version. Please respond with other versions if you wish.

Can be played alone or with a group of friends. Rules are quite simple. Open the app and begin swiping.

Instagram handle in profile…..drink 1

“No hookups” or “Not here for a hookup”……drink 1

“partner in crime”……drink 2

Multiple people in first picture……..drink 1 for every picture it takes to figure out who you’re swiping on.

If you’re disappointed at who it turns out to be……drink 1

If you’re excited for who it turns out to be…..drink 3

If you’re excited for who it turns out to be and it’s a match……drink 5

Any match……drink 3, and shout out you’re catch phrase. Mine is “bababababa BOOM!” and is accompanied by finger guns.

“Live laugh love” or something similar……drink 1

Profile that is obviously a bot……drink 2

Profile mentions sarcasm……drink 1

Specifically “fluent in sarcasm”……drink 3, and discuss with friends how if one really is fluent in sarcasm, one shouldn’t have to say so explicitly. The whole idea behind sarcasm is that it’s not explicit.

Profile that makes you LOL……drink 5

Inspirational/profound quote…….drink 1

“love to laugh”…….drink 10 shots because you’re not sure you want to live in a world where so many girls use this phrase thinking it differentiates them from other girls.




I’m just trying to figure out which girls have cooties | twitter: @CootiesReport | email: