Adding This Tea to My Bedtime Routine Cured My Insomnia

I killed insomnia by drinking this tea every night for 39 days

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A woman drinking tea.

Blessed are those who fall asleep right after their head hits the pillow. No wild thoughts, crippling anxiety, or borderline depression to deal with.

They are in dreamland even before you switch off the lights. I am envious of these people.

Even after going to bed at the correct hour, and following a good sleep-inducing routine I still can’t fall asleep that quickly.

My mind works on scenarios that are bound to give me nightmares and delirious anxiety.

Mild insomnia keeps me awake late in the night until my mind is finally ready to give up.

Sleeping is difficult for me. I need to follow an extensive night routine for quality sleep.

Countless nights ruined by crippling insomnia

Insomnia has been my friend since my early teenage years. Sometimes it’s fine other times it is my worse enemy.

I have tried many things but have not found a permanent solution yet.

I am a maladaptive daydreamer, and my mind refuses to shut up. So, some nights I have to spend hours lying awake in bed before I can go to…



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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