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Chameleon Hashes


The chameleon is an amazing creature that can adapt to its environment. So what’s that got to do with cybersecurity? Well, we can generate a Chameleon hash, and where we have a normal hash value which is resistant to collisions but with a known secret, we can easily create a collision. The concept was first defined by Krawcyk and Rabin in [here][2]:

With a chameleon hash, we might have an image which generates a given hash value, and where it would be extremely difficult to generate the same hash for a different image. This is known as collision resistance and is a highly desirable attribute of a hashing method. But let’s say that we have an update to the image, but where we have already defined the hash of the image. For this, we can create a chameleon hash where we apply a secret key to the hash process and then create the same hash. These keys can be defined as trapdoor keys.

Unfortunately, in 2004, Ateniese and De Medeiros found a weakness in these hashes which could expose the secret key [5]:

But newer papers have created methods which overcome the key exposure risk [3]. A core application of chameleon hashes relates to redactable blockchains, and where it is possible to delete transactions in a block or even remove a whole block [1]:

The approach could allow a blockchain infrastructure to comply with GDPR, especially in the implementation of the right-to-be-forgotten.

Chameleon methods

Overall, we have a pair of hashing/trapdoor keys, and the owner of the keys can easily find a collision within a given domain, but without the keys, the hash will be collision resistant. One of the best-defined methods was created by Khalili et al [3]:

The paper outlines two methods. One method is more traditional and based on Groth–Sahai proofs and Cramer–Shoup, and the second uses Groth and Maller SNARKs (zk-Snarks). These methods guarantee that no information about the secret key is ever leaked from the hashes. The zk-Snarks derived method uses bilinear pairings [here].


We can use the code [here][4]:

package main
import (
func main() {
var p, q, g, hk, tk, hash1, hash2, r1, s1, r2, s2, msg1, msg2 []byte

keygen(128, &p, &q, &g, &hk, &tk)
argCount := len(os.Args[1:])
m1 := "Test"
m2 := "Not"
if argCount > 0 {
m1 = os.Args[1]
if argCount > 1 {
m2 = os.Args[2]
msg1 = []byte(m1)
msg2 = []byte(m2)
r1 = randgen(&q)
s1 = randgen(&q)

fmt.Printf("Hash Parameters:"+"\np: %s1"+"\nq: %s1"+"\ng: %s1"+"\nhk: %s1"+"\ntk: %s1"+"\nDONE!", p, q, g, hk, tk)

chameleonHash(&hk, &p, &q, &g, &msg1, &r1, &s1, &hash1)

fmt.Printf("\n\nROUND 1:"+"\nmsg1: %s"+"\nr1: %s1"+"\ns1: %s1"+"\nhash1: %x\n", msg1, r1, s1, hash1)
fmt.Printf("\n\nGenerating a collision...\n\n")
// Generating a collision
generateCollision(&hk, &tk, &p, &q, &g, &msg1, &msg2, &r1, &s1, &r2, &s2)
chameleonHash(&hk, &p, &q, &g, &msg2, &r2, &s2, &hash2)
fmt.Printf("\nROUND 2:"+
"\nmsg2: %s"+
"\nr2: %s"+
"\ns2: %s"+
"\nhash2: %x\n",
msg2, r2, s2, hash2)

We can see that we initially create a keypair, and which gives us the parameters of p, q, g, hk, and tk:

keygen(128, &p, &q, &g, &hk, &tk)

From these and with two values random values of r1 (generated from between 0 and p-1) and s1 (generated from between 0 and q-1), we can create the hash with:

chameleonHash(&hk, &p, &q, &g, &msg1, &r1, &s1, &hash1)

We can generate a collision using our secrets and then the same hash:

generateCollision(&hk, &tk, &p, &q, &g, &msg1, &msg2, &r1, &s1, &r2, &s2)
chameleonHash(&hk, &p, &q, &g, &msg2, &r2, &s2, &hash2)

And a sample run [here]:

p: ecbc698905de96022c1bc254191681d31
q: 765e34c482ef4b01160de12a0c8b40e91
g: 9092a7ee21c34cb57e398739fcf8d2371
hk: 75e7fde180498d167b5349341a3bb01b1
tk: 1911c632c333b481fe6f74c48bd3256d1

msg1: Hello
r1: 24ab7e5e3a98a102669e58fd03f6909b1
s1: 2b2db81b4b5ae09b6a6a28d8cb93ea2d1
hash1: 72c80e54c3fcbd3530e251c5887f6e21

Generating a collision...

msg2: Goodbye
r2: 576e7f0d06127328ab872eaf3efe4c42
s2: 3c1d5ba4249387824937adc0048013d6
hash2: 72c80e54c3fcbd3530e251c5887f6e21

We can see here that our message of “Hello” creates a hash of “72c80e54c3fcbd3530e251c5887f6e21”, and where we can also create the same hash for “Goodbye”. This uses a key pair that has been created so that the collision can occur.


With hashing methods, a collision is often a bad thing and leads us to match different content to the same hash. This is the case for the MD5 hash, where it is often fairly easy to produce a collision, even for things like documents and executable programs. SHA-256, though, is much more robust, and it is almost impossible at the current time to produce a collision. But, sometimes we might have a trusted transaction that we want to delete. For this, the Chameleon hash could allow us to produce the same hash for it, and where we can cancel the transaction.


[1] Ateniese, G., Magri, B., Venturi, D., & Andrade, E. (2017, April). Redactable blockchain–or–rewriting history in bitcoin and friends. In 2017 IEEE European symposium on security and privacy (EuroS&P) (pp. 111–126). IEEE.

[2] Krawczyk, H., & Rabin, T. (1997). Chameleon hashing and signatures.

[3] Khalili, M., Dakhilalian, M., & Susilo, W. (2020). Efficient chameleon hash functions in the enhanced collision resistant model. Information Sciences, 510, 155–164.

[4] Julius Willems, Chameleon hash,

[5] Ateniese, G., & Medeiros, B. D. (2004, September). On the key exposure problem in chameleon hashes. In International Conference on Security in Communication Networks (pp. 165–179). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.