15 Reasons Why Americans Should Look at the Danish for a Much Better Way of Life

Denmark seems to be where it’s at in terms of a happy, secure, healthy life. Here’s why.

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Adrian Cuj from Unsplash.com

Danes are said to walk at a more leisurely pace. They frequently appear relaxed. They take their time, stopping to observe and enjoy their surroundings.

A few fun facts for you. Denmark has just 5.5 million people in the entire country (for comparison purposes, this is about the size of South London, as in, not all of London, U.K. but just the south part of the city).

The country is made up of 406 islands (more than Greece!) and 7,314km of coastline, so you’ve never far from the water.

Copenhagen has been voted as the world’s best city many times over.

So, why is Denmark so great? And what is it about life that the Danes have down so well?

#1- They Run on a Welfare System, Which the U.S. Does Not

What does that mean? A welfare system means you pay higher taxes but get a lot of solid social services in return.

The tax rate in Denmark is high, hovering near to 50 percent but in exchange for this, you get free healthcare (you’ll never see a medical…

