The Geylang Bahru Family Murders:

A massacre of four innocent young children in Singapore.

Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center



Singapore, Geylang, Bahru on January 6, 1979, around 6:30 am. Mr. Tan Kuen Chai, 38, and Mrs. Lee Mei Ying, 30, operated a school bus to take and pick up students from school. Mrs. Tan, around 7:am, made her usual call to her children to ensure they were up and ready for school.

It was like any other early morning, except Mrs. Tan kept calling their one-room apartment, but no one answered the phone. The children knew she called them every morning around this time. They always responded to their mother’s calls. Worried, she called her neighbor to check in on the children. The neighbor knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

The Horrific Scene

Around 10: am, the Tan’s arrived home. They walked into their bathroom and found the mutilated bodies of their four children. Tan Kok Peng,10, Tan Kok Hin,8, Tan Kok Soon,6, and their baby sister Tan Chin Nee,5 each child had been hacked and had at least 20 wounds on their body. The dead bodies were lying on top of each other.

Only A Monster Could Have Done This

The investigators believed this was a premeditated murder, and the perpetrator(s) had not forced his way into the apartment. It’s…



Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center

Loves the Beach. Loves to Read. Writing is not a hobby, but a passion.