How I Write So Much (15 Articles A Month)

Build a daily writing habit with these mindset shifts.

Anangsha Alammyan
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 12, 2024


Image created by the author using Dall-E

I write 15 articles a month on Medium.

Aside from this, I write weekly posts on LinkedIn, 2 newsletters a week, and 1–2 social media captions (including Twitter and Instagram posts).

This is possible because I’ve developed a consistent writing practice. This helped me quit my high-paying job, make a full-time living from my craft, enjoy 2-hour work-days, and establish an audience of 180k+ on Medium.

My writing habit has given me the greatest gift imaginable: my own business. Something I built from scratch and that lets me live life on my own terms today. I don’t have to work 5 days a week or save every penny I can to make ends meet.

If you’re wondering how I write so much, this article is a guide to maximizing your writing output. The points might sound a bit counter-intuitive, but they’re what worked for me. You can take whatever works for you, and tweak the rest to suit your working style and expectations.

1. Write without expectations

Don’t waste your precious time chasing perfection.

Your first draft will suck.

