Crafting Compelling Messaging: Unveiling the Power of FABs (Features, Advantages, Benefits)

5 min readSep 28, 2023


In the world of marketing, your product’s message is its voice. It’s the compelling story that draws customers in, speaks directly to their needs, and convinces them that your product is the solution they’ve been searching for. Crafting this message is both an art and a science, and in this two-part series, we’ll explore the tools, strategies, and concepts that can supercharge your product’s messaging.

Tools to Cook Messaging: The Essential Ingredients

Before we dive deep into the world of Features, Advantages, and Benefits (FABs), let’s open our toolbox. Here are some essential tools we’ll be using:

  1. 5 WHYs: Think of this as your detective’s magnifying glass. It helps you uncover the core reasons why customers should care about your product. I have already written an article that really talks about the benefit this tool can have to your marketing and messaging so I would recommend that you read it right here.
  2. Features Advantages Benefits (FABs): This trio is your secret recipe for mouthwatering messaging. It dissects your product’s features, reveals the advantages they offer, and serves up the sizzling benefits that resonate with your audience. And this would be the main focus of today’s blog, join me people as I dive into breaking down what this tool does and how using it can greatly improve your messaging.

3. Job’s-to-be-done Matrix: Think of this as your customer’s wish list. It guides you in understanding the specific jobs your product fulfills in their lives. This matrix would better enable you draft out strategies to a success sale, as you would be able to know just where your product sits.

The Vital Role of Messaging in Marketing

Imagine your product as a gem, and your messaging as its sparkling showcase. Messaging is not just important; it’s the bridge between your product and your audience. It’s the language that communicates why your product matters and how it can transform lives. Without the right message, your product remains hidden in the shadows. Now before I continue, I must let you know that it is an important role of the product marketer to know all about the features of the product they are marketing that way they would be able to know just what to say and what not to say when drafting their message. And the tool we would break down today is something important that you cannot ignore.

Benefits: The Heartstrings of Messaging

Now, let’s add a dash of emotion to the mix. Benefits are the heart and soul of messaging. They are what tug at your customers’ heartstrings and connect them to your product on a deeper level. Benefits answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” They reveal the positive impact your product can have on their lives.

A compelling story isn’t just a collection of words; it’s an emotional journey. Through benefits, you can draft a story that resonates with your audience’s desires, challenges, and dreams. Benefits are the characters in your story that make it relatable and inspiring.

FAB vs. USP: Understanding the Difference

(Features, Advantages, Benefits) is all about the customer — it focuses on what a product does for them. Features describe the product’s attributes, advantages explain how those attributes benefit the customer, and benefits address the emotional and practical outcomes for the customer. In contrast, USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is directed at the company — it highlights what sets a product or brand apart from competitors in the market. USP emphasizes the unique, distinctive aspects of the company or product that make it the best choice for customers. While FAB speaks to the customer’s needs and desires, USP showcases the company’s competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Both are essential in effective product messaging and might even be confused for each other like identical twins, but they serve different purposes — one is customer-centric, and the other is about the company’s uniqueness.

Unleashing the Power of FABs

Now that we’ve grasped the fundamentals, let’s delve deeper into Features, Advantages, and Benefits (FABs). FABs are the building blocks of effective messaging. They are the key to connecting your product with your audience on a personal and emotional level.

Features: The What of Your Product

Features are the tangible aspects of your product. They describe what it is and what it can do. For example, if you’re marketing a smartphone, features might include a high-resolution camera, a powerful processor, and a sleek design. Or even if you own a digital product like an app for instance, feature are the different parts that make up the app e.g., a cart section for an e-commerce app or platform.

Advantages: The How Your Product Solves Problems

Advantages are the bridge between features and benefits. They explain how a particular feature solves a problem or fulfills a need. Using our smartphone example, an advantage might be that the high-resolution camera allows users to capture stunning photos and videos. This would further help you understand why there are certain features present and which feature might not entirely be necessary.

Benefits: The Why It Matters to Your Customer

Here’s where the magic happens. Benefits are the emotional core of your messaging. They answer the question, “Why should your customer care?” Continuing with the smartphone example, a benefit might be that the high-resolution camera lets users capture cherished moments with stunning clarity, creating lasting memories.

The FAB Formula: Weaving the Magic

To craft compelling messaging, follow the FAB formula: Feature ➔ Advantage ➔ Benefit. Start with a feature, explain its advantage, and then reveal the emotional benefit. This structure ensures that your messaging resonates with your audience, connecting the dots from product features to their real-life aspirations.

To help you do this, I would recommend that you create a document, an excel sheet or a white paper, anyone that makes you comfortable, draw up all the features of the product you are intending to market and side by side list out the advantage and benefit of such a feature, this technique is sure to take your messaging to another level.

In the next part of our series, we’ll explore another essential tool in your messaging toolkit: “The Jobs-to-be-done Matrix”. This matrix dives deep into understanding the specific jobs your product fulfills in your customers’ lives, further enhancing the power of your messaging. Stay tuned as we uncover the secrets to creating messaging that truly speaks to your audience’s needs and desires.




A product marketer keen on growing products to their full potential