Blockchain InRating
2 min readJun 4, 2018


Introduction of blockchain technology in the InRating social network first of all means the creation of an eternal digital magazine where the digital information is distributed but not copied. As a result, there is no chaotic load in the overall pattern of the InRating social network.

The InRating blockchain also acts as a guarantor of secure information storage for all users of the social network. Security is ensured by a decentralized server that provides timestamps and links to the previous block of the hash-coded information in the system, which makes it impossible to hack or falsify any data.

The InRating Blockchain will be integrated into all key sections of the InRating social network, which will transform the social resource into a unique platform that gives each user a lot of advantages when using its functionality.

The use of this technology is not at all revolutionary. The integration of this mechanism is dictated by the desire of the team to secure its users and to provide them with the highest level of accountability and data for each personal wallet and transaction within the InRating.

The use of such technology ensures a complete safety of users and excludes the possibility of any information forgery.

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