MVP of the digital currency C3X.Exchange

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And now, finally, on May 24 2018, Crypto Credit Card company implemented the official release of Minimal Viable Product of its own crypto exchange The company, which during 4 months was diligently engaged in the development of competitive services such as C3 mobile application, C3X crypto exchange and affiliate program, finally, released the completed product during the ICO in MVP format!

The release of its own crypto exchange will provide C3 users a wide number of features. Professional trading tools, which were previously only available on the stock exchange (PAMM-accounts), will become available to users of C3 platform as early as in June of this year. And during 2018 the Crypto Credit Card team plans to expand the functionality of the minimum viable product. The achievement of technical progress is one of the priority for C3.

In the nearest future, the Crypto Credit Card team sees the following priorities: the development of the C3 mobile bank, the licensing of banking activities and the addition of fiat trades to the

Crypto Credit Card is a company with a working product, a large-scale and multinational team, an extensive scale of the project presence on the market, and also an excellent idea with no analogue.


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