Multiple View Geometry Series

Daniel Lenton
1 min readJun 15, 2019


A very condensed series on multiple view geometry, heavily inspired by the excellent Hartley and Zisserman book, but with the aim of being more direct on some key topics, and hopefully more accessible for the novice reader

This Multiple View Geometry Series in broken down into the following sub-series, closely following some of the chapters in the Hartley-Zisserman book.

Part I: Projective Geometry Series

In this series, the basics of projective geometry are introduced, laying the foundation for subsequent chapters.

Part II: Camera Geometry Series

In this series, the fundamentals of camera geometry are introduced, based on the projective geometry principles already outlined. This is another stepping stone towards understanding the subsequent series.

Part III: Two-View Geometry Series

In this series, the geometry of two-views is explored, with connections to depth measurements, camera matrix computation, and optical flow.

