New option implemented to to withdraw tokens

2 min readApr 12, 2018


Dear community! We would like to inform you that now there is a new option implemented to

After your KYC status is approved and your ETH ERC-20 compatible wallet address is indicated in your Storiqa profile, you can click on WITHDRAW button on your dashboard to withdraw your tokens.

Depending on the amount of STQ in your tokens balance your tokens either will be sent to your wallet in the nearest time or there will be created a request for further review. The confirmation of your request for tokens withdrawal can take up to 5 days. After the request is sent, your tokens balance will become zero.

Please note that if you changed your wallet recently, the request will be sent for manual review regardless of your tokens balance.

Some users will see that their tokens balance has decreased to zero — that is absolutely fine and it doesn’t mean your tokens have disappeared. Only people whose tokens were already sent to their wallets will see zero tokens balance on their dashboard (in other case you will still be able to see your tokens balance.)

If your tokens weren’t sent to you but your balance is zero now or you have any other issues with tokens witdrawal — please do not hesitate to contact Storiqa support team.



Storiqa We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.