Game of Life
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2018

Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolić is responsible in our team for developing artificial intelligence, namely the algorithm that will help you save. In today’s article he is explaining how our new invention — crypto app — works using a dynamic AI that he and his team developed.

Our philosophy of saving in volatile markets of cryptocurrencies

“When we think about the word ‘savings’, we usually imagine an amount of something that is stable. That is because savings are generally about having a certain level of security for the future. One saves because one expects to need that later. An excess of a resource today is being stored for the moments of scarcity in the future. Irrespective of whether this resource is money, food, water, energy in your muscles, vacation days or tokens in a video game, it is wise not to consume them immediately but postpone their consumption for the moments when they are needed the most. However, the prices of cryptocurrencies have been volatile. Volatility is the opposite of stability.

Cryptocurrencies have shown that they form a relatively volatile world, how does one save money in cryptocurrencies then? Isn’t one exposed to random changes and haphazard events, risking losing everything? Is it saving or just gambling?

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Let us go back to what saving really means. You want to keep that something for later, and you want to have a certain level of assurance that the saved object will still exist after some time. It is important to stress the fact here that saving is different from speculative trading. Saving is something you plan for a longer period of time. Speculative trading is a short-term process. While saving, you want to be able to leave your assets and do other things, like hunting or gathering. While speculatively trading at highly volatile markets, you just can’t leave anywhere. You have to watch what is going on and continuously update your decisions. Should I sell, or should I buy? Speculative trading can be more like hunting. It’s a full-time job.

Does it make sense then, to try to save at the same markets at which others are speculating and through these speculations probably even add fuel to the fire of volatility? As I will explain, yes it does. It makes a lot of sense in my opinion. However, you have to set your expectations right. You need to know what you are dealing with, what kind of risks you are facing and which benefits you are taking advantage of. Crypto currencies offer by their unique design a lot of advantages when it comes to storing and exchanging value that did not exist before. In addition, savedroid offers services that make use of these advantages. By doing so, savedroid combines cryptocurrency technologies with what is required to create a desirable instrument for creating a tangible stash.”

The standard concept of AI vs. Danko’s concept

The most common approach on how to create an artificial intelligence is based on two main resources: deep learning technology and Big Data. Unfortunately, in the crypto world we do not have Big Data. There is not enough history and not enough different currencies to properly train a deep learning model. In addition, the crypto world is changing constantly. Whatever rules governed its behavior yesterday may no longer apply tomorrow. Hence, Dr. Nikolić concluded that we need something that will be both dynamic and capable of working with small amounts of data. By saying that it will be dynamic, we mean an AI that will be adjusting itself as changes in the market occur. It is an unusual and more difficult approach than building a typical deep learning solution. Danko’s team developed the model to reduce the risk in an already highly volatile market. That means that our AI is designed to create much less risky portfolios than what a non-expert would randomly choose. This brings us to the point at which one can now understand why our motto is “cryptocurrencies for everyone”. Thanks to that invention, not only experts will be able to invest on the crypto market. You don’t need to be one of those financial gurus to invest in crypto. Soon, our AI will make for you quite reasonable decisions.

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savedroid’s AI portfolio

The philosophy behind our portfolio is not to maximize return, but rather to minimize risk. At the end, the decision will be left to the users on whether they want to invest based on their own intuition or based on savedroid’s AI. A great advantage of using our AI is that, to make optimal choices, you do not have to constantly follow the changing crypto market. The AI will do that work for you.

Here’s an info-graphical explanation of how the model works:

You can also take a look at the screenshots of the potential portfolio:

We hope that this article was helpful for you guys. Please stay tuned!!! Because from now on, we will try to post news and an insight into what is going on more frequently!

savedroid’s Team

