Fosha Crowdsale

4 min readApr 26, 2018


A node is a computer system connected to a network of other computers that hold information about transactions, contracts, etc. Systems have to be constantly and instantly synchronized in order to maintain data integrity. Building a fully synchronized node requires special knowledge, running and maintaining it takes time and can cost a lot of money. Software is becoming simpler to use and running a personal node is now easier to achieve. Public nodes, that are used by traders, developers and exchanges, on the other hand require different level of security and performance which is harder to develop and maintain. That is why we’ve built a service layer which provides an easy and secure way to connect to multiple decentralized networks. Realization of an idea is no longer tied to a private infrastructure and developers don’t have to invest their time in building it themselves. They can focus on their product and user experience. Fosha unified REST calls simplify blockchain development in a way never imagined before.

History and future

Our team has a strong background in building high scalable network applications and low latency infrastructure. We started doing research in blockchain technology in early 2015 and soon came up with an idea of building a network of nodes. A simple service layer, that would enable us to remotely connect to blockchain nodes, was made out of necessity for our current projects. The layer was later reused for different projects and in 2017 we decided to make a public service based on it. Fosha was programmed in late 2017 and released in January 2018. Service can be currently used by paying a monthly subscription in Ethereum. We worked hard on the scalability and security of our service and are now prepared for the next step. Fosha is releasing a utility token based on Ethereum network.

Fosha Token

Holders will be able to use their tokens in four different ways:

  • Subscription
    Traders, developers and exchanges will be able to pay a monthly subscription for the service in Fosha tokens. They will not pay any additional fees by using the service.
  • Free subscription
    Traders, developers and exchanges will be able to use the service for free, but will have to pay (or their user) a fee in Fosha tokens for every transaction.
  • Lending platform
    Developers and companies will be able to publish their project ideas that require a connection to decentralized networks, on the platform. Token holders will pick the best ones and lend them tokens, for which they will receive 50% of every transaction fee (50% developer, 50% holder). Developers and token holders will be able to earn a passive income for the lending period.
  • Newcomers
    New blockchain node(s) will be added to the service (and instantly accessible by anyone) by paying a setup and monthly maintenance fee. Token holders will have complete control over which blockchain node should be added to the service, which will be instantly accessible by every trader, developer or exchange. Votes casted in tokens will cover the setup costs.

Service Timeline

  • Q2 2017
    Research and development
  • Q1 2018
    First version of the service (v.1.0)
    Security & performance improvements
  • Q2 2018
    New version of the service (v.1.1)
    Subscription modifications
    Infrastructure automatization
    Infrastructure decentralization
  • Q4 2018
    New version of the service (v.2)
    Unified API
    Lending platform
  • Q1 2019
    Voting platform

ERC20 Token

  • Token name: Fosha
  • Contract: 0x61a541c78afd142f8e185142e2c4eb22639b310e
  • Total supply: 78.000.000
  • Crowdsale: 62.400.000 (80%)
  • Promotion (bounty/airdrop): 7.800.000 (10%)
  • Development: 3.900.000 (5%)
  • Private sale: 3.900.000 (5%)


  • Crowdsale form:
  • Start (GMT): April 22 2018 at 10:00:00
  • End (GMT): April 30 2018 at 23:59:59
  • Accepted form of payment: Ethereum
  • Conversion rate: 1 ETH : 3000 FOSHA
  • Minimum contribution: 0.02 ETH
  • Maximum contribution: 5 ETH

Why are we issuing a token?

We want to simplify blockchain development and enable people, who believe not just in our idea, but in an idea of a developer, to invest and earn money from their investment. A developer won’t have to learn anything about blockchain connectivity, security and nodes. His current knowledge of (for example Javascript) will suffice. Building an exchange will be simple as building a small website. Fosha will provide a Unified easy-to-use API and developers will be able to focus on their application. Token holders will be able to earn extra tokens by lending them to developers and receiving a portion of transaction fees (50%) made via their application. We think this model is great for the community — for developers and traders. Developers will be able to do what they love — develop applications — and traders will earn extra money by supporting them.




Fosha is a private blockchain node synced with popular decentralized networks. The node provides a fast, stable and secure access to decentralized networks.