Stronger Together

A pledge of community over competition among women.

Katamara F. Summerville
Thrive Global
2 min readMar 9, 2017


Hope you all are having an awesome ‘International Women’s Day’. This year’s theme has been titled “A Day Without Women” in recognition of the impact women make as far as individual rights, the workplace, and in the community. It is also a day to celebrate womanhood and all its splendor. Isn’t it awesome just being woman? Our essence…the fact that we are life givers…just simply amazing.

I’ve seen nothing but sisterhood and camaraderie up and down my social media timeline on today. Women shouting out one another and tagging each other in compliments. This is so necessary on not just today but every day. It is the very fiber of who we are…not only were we created to give life but to speak life. To speak life into our kings but to speak life into our children and to speak life into our brothers and sisters. Community is in the very vein of God as we are a part of one Body.

As I have always said, we as women are individual movements by ourselves but it is when we come together that the magic happens. Just think back on the Women’s March a few months ago, where women came together for one cause, from all over the world. They each hailed from different countries, cities, backgrounds, races, and creeds in an effort for the movement to be felt and heard. They shook the world.

It’s far time to give the attitude of selfishness a backseat. My sister is not my competition but my compliment. Instead of feeling some type away about another sister’s success, don’t be afraid to ask her to help you reach yours. Also, sisters don’t be afraid to reach down and pull another sister up. Let’s build and not break as we are all in this together. Let’s make the pledge to continue to foster community on a daily basis because we are so much “Stronger Together”.



Katamara F. Summerville
Thrive Global

Wife to Lamarrio. Mother to Jay, Kami, and Nik. Servant to Jesus Christ. Lover of good food. Collector of fine hotel soap…yep thats me! IG:@kay_thejeweler