AWARE Weekly Update (November 5, 2018-November 11, 2018)

4 min readNov 13, 2018


“AWARE of Good Token”! Welcome to AWARE weekly update (November 5, 2018-November 11, 2018), where we announce the progress of AWARE project in terms of community products, promotion, investment, collaboration and teamwork. The weekly update is jointly presented and maintained by the AWARE team.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.

Product and Techniques

— — Major product progress:

1. The product and part of UI of the “Discovery” module were designed;

2. Data from community management were checked and optimized;

3. The incentive mechanism of content mining were adjusted and optimized;

4. The token economy model was researched and developed.

— — Major technical progress:

1. Enter the developing phase of the demands for AWARE APP V. 3.2.0 as planned;

2. The project environment of iOS was updated with the whole project adjusted and optimized;

3. The network of Android was optimized with he whole project adjusted and optimized;

4. Problems concerning online user experience were resolved and optimized.

Data and Content

— — Major data and content progress:

1. Data of the project library and encyclopedia library are maintained on a regular basis;

2. The review standards of in-depth answers under the new incentive mechanism were made and implemented;

3. The subject category and the generic template on the “Discovery” page of AWARE APP V. 3.2.0 were designed.

Business and Marketing

— — AWARE upgraded incentive scheme for content mining activities:

AWARE mining mechanism will be adjusted this week to include incentives for raising questions, in-depth answers, likes for Q & As, and commentary, encouraging users to produce more high-quality content. Excellent writers on AWARE platform will receive both material and spiritual rewards. The new incentive mechanism will be implemented from November 13 when AWARE sets the maximum amount of daily incentive tokens and divides them into three incentive pools, each of them constituting different proportions of all tokens issued according to their contributions to the community ecology. The proportions of each incentive pool in all tokens issued are as follows:

*Article-forwarding incentive pool: 25.2%

*Q & A interaction incentive pool: 53.3%

* Users’ activities incentive pool: 21.5%

— — “AWARE Project Q &A” this week: AWARE

The “AWARE Project Q & A” this week is different from the ones in the past for the founder of AWARE elaborates on “The Value System of AT” in person. Users actively participate in the Q & A and Mr. Jianbo Sun responds to users’ questions concerning product model, the operation of economic system, key competitiveness and future strategic plan by means of real-time Q & A.

— — AWARE “Double 11” deposit rebate with AT rewards and ten thousand CNY:

AWARE “Double 11” rebate for deposit event is live from November 9 to 20 for those who transfer AT in exchanges or their personal wallets to AWARE APP during the event. The details of the rebate can be found in our Wechat public account and App. The lock-up event has received great support from users since the launch of AWARE APP with over 33 million AT locked by users across the globe (including Korean users) to date. Participants of this event will enjoy not only the original earnings of APP lock-up and various rights but also the rebates and awards in kind.

— — The construction of the community continues:

The number of AWARE community members has increased to 12912 so far and is still growing. Activities are held irregularly to have more active users involved. Excellent Q & As from community members are provided continuously.

— — Ambassador recruitment will soon start:

Along with the continuous iteration and improvement of AWARE APP, the product has won tens of thousands of registered users (including users from the token and blockchain industry and miners) since the beta test. Despite the present bearish market, the number of daily active users of AWARE APP keeps rising and so is the token price. AWARE welcomes excellent authors, media, community admins and promoters of blockchain industry to promote and grow together with AWARE. Ambassadors will be rewarded with decent AT incentives and opportunities of development and promotion. Please contact with community admins to learn more about the requirements of recruitment.

— — Progress of the continuous buy-back:

The continuous buy-back goes on with a total of 180,000,000 AT reclaimed to date. The AT repurchased will be used for community construction and as community incentives for future product on the platform. Your supervision is highly welcome.

The buy-back address:


The AWARE team holds a consistent entrepreneurial vision and values and is highly efficient in developing and promoting products. AWARE will increase the incentives for high-quality data like in-depth answers with more dimensions of search including market price in the following two versions, to greatly improve the user experience. At the same time, the product will display a brand new look on the front end. We believe in realizing the value of AWARE one step at a time and the current rising price is the embodiment of value regression.

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"AWARE of Good Token"! AWARE is creating a distributed search and community platform for blockchain projects. Website: