Lopp: more meatspace crypto attacks on the way

2 min readJul 15, 2018


It used to be the case that what happened in crypto, stayed in crypto. No more.

One of the unwelcome side-effects of the massive increase in value across the crypto markets has been an extension of the Wild West culture from cyberspace into the real world (aka ‘meatspace’). A growing list of people have been held up at gunpoint or otherwise threatened for their bitcoins, or because of their involvement in crypto.

Jameson Lopp, a well-known bitcoin developer who himself was SWATted last year, courtesy of one anonymous member of the crypto world who didn’t agree with his views on the scaling debate, comments:

’23 physical attacks targeted against crypto owners cataloged thus far. 10 of them occurred in the past 6 months. Seems to be strong evidence that the rate of physical attacks is accelerating.’ See https://twitter.com/lopp/status/1015945799652474880

Lopp has started an open source repository of physical attacks, so that the community can ‘help keep track of the dynamic security landscape for crypto asset owners’.

Check it out here: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks/blob/master/README.md. Hopefully, you won’t ever need to add to it.

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