Security Alert!

Derick Fiebiger
Zus Network


Dear community,

We have been notified of some scam incidents targeting 0chain. Unfortunately, some of our community members have been subject to an elaborate scam involving phishing and impersonation techniques.

Whilst the team is currently helping out to the best of their ability, we ask you to be careful out there, especially as awareness of our project increases.

Rest assured all exchanges have been contacted and informed of the scammers’ addresses and they will be monitored as well as any child addresses these addresses route to. If any tokens hit the exchanges from these addresses they will be frozen. Thus trading activity continues to be unaffected.

If you are suspicious of any activity of any form we urge you to do your due diligence thoroughly and consult with trusted community members and admins. If anyone reaches out to you about an over-the-counter trade opportunity to sell large amounts of ZCN (especially if it can be traced back to this blacklisted address), please do not engage and reach out to the team immediately so authorities can be updated.

On Mainnet swap — scam tokens will be locked out from token swap.

Stay safe and Merry Christmas!

If you’d like to help, you can periodically monitor these addresses and notify the team for any movement:

ORIGINAL SCAMMER ADDRESS: (any addresses after this are also scammer addresses):

Additional Confirmed Scammer Addresses:

