Andrea Bonaceto, the CEO of Eterna Capital, Joins SingularityNET as an Advisor

As an advisor, Andrea Bonaceto will provide SingularityNET with broader access to a network of investors, corporate partners, and top universities.

Alethea AI Official Announcements
3 min readJan 21, 2019


Andrea Bonaceto, Founding Partner and CEO of Eterna Capital

Advisor Announcement

The SingularityNET team is very excited to announce that Andrea Bonaceto, the Founding Partner and CEO of Eterna Capital, has joined the SingularityNET team as an advisor.

Eternal Capital is an investment fund that focuses on projects that utilize Distributed Ledger Technology. The fund prioritizes providing early-stage funding to those projects that value social impact and incorporate it into their business models. Eterna Capital has been featured by Forbes as one of the top 3 investment funds operating in the Blockchain space.

Before founding Eterna Capital with three ex-BlackRock employees, Andrea served as the CEO of HiredGrad, a London/Bangalore based graduate recruiting startup. Andrea has also worked at Deloitte and KPMG in the M&A and Advisory division respectively.

The socially conscious philosophy of Eterna Capital and the passion that Andrea has for technologies that enable decentralization makes us excited to have Andrea join the mission to democratize AI.

United Kingdom Meetups

In his role as an advisor, Andrea will make it easier for SingularityNET and Eterna Capital to collaborate and take initiatives that are in line with their shared values. This collaboration will provide SingularityNET with broader access to a network of investors, corporate partners, and top universities.

It should come as no surprise therefore that Andrea is playing an instrumental role in organizing SingularityNET’s UK Meetups, which will be held at top universities such as University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford.

We are also thrilled to announce that Dr. Ben Goertzel, will be the keynote speaker in the Cambridge, London and Oxford Meetups. We invite all those who share our beliefs and values to join us in the events, and make them memorable!

You can find below more information about the events:

SingularityNET Cambridge Meetup 30 January, 6pm-8pm at University of Cambridge. In collaboration with Eterna Capital, Cambridge University Engineering Society and The Cambridge Guild.

Please use the following link to RSVP:

SingularityNET London Meetup — Imperial College London event on 31 January, 6–8pm is Clore Lecture Theatre, Huxley Building, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, London, SW7 2AZ. In collaboration with Eterna Capital, Imperial College London Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering and London Blockchain Labs.

Please use the following link to RSVP:

SingularityNET Oxford Meetup1 February, 6pm-8pm at the University of Cambridge. In collaboration with Eterna Capital, The Oxford Guild and Oxford Foundry.

Please use the following link to RSVP:

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We hope you will join us in our mission to democratize AI and to use its transformative powers to enact real, positive and lasting change. The best way forward is to come together and work practically towards creating a better future.

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