The Ad Blocker That Pays Publishers

adbank blog


Sounds Too Good to be True? Learn How Publishers Earn with BLADE

The BLADE browser extension is an ad-blocking extension that replaces blocked ads with adbank-powered ads. Why would a Publisher be interested in an ad blocker? Because BLADE is more than just an ad blocker: Publishers get paid with BLADE!

If you’re a Publisher (content creator) and you’re running ads on your website, you’re likely losing revenue due to your audience already using ad blockers. Moreso, if your audience is interested in tech and/or under 30 (which is a lot of people!) then you’re losing a TON of revenue to ad blockers. But what if there was an ad blocker that served both your website visitors and you? Well, that’s BLADE.

Read on to find out how you get rewarded when web traffic visits your site. Spoiler alert: you don’t have to do anything — BLADE’s already collecting your ADB for you!

How Publishers Earn ADB:

  • End Users visit the Publisher’s website with the BLADE browser extension installed
  • BLADE blocks and replaces ads with adbank-powered ads (ie. any ads the End User would normally see are replaced with adbank-powered ads)
  • BLADE tracks the number of ads served by the Publisher and rewards them with ADB!

How Much ADB Will a Publisher Earn?

This depends on two main variables:

  • How many ads the Publisher serves
  • How much the advertiser paid to place the ad

With the BLADE browser extension, adbank, the End User and Publishers get a share of the Advertisers ad spend every time. We created this equitable ecosystem to clearly show that adbank and the Publishers interests are matched. When you win, we all win!

The payout procedure:

  1. BLADE automatically collects ADB rewards on behalf of all Publishers.
  2. The Publisher signs up with BLADE and claims their website and their ADB earnings.

What is BLADE?

The newest project within the adbank ecosystem is the BLADE browser extension. BLADE is built on the adbank advertising network protocol, and as you read above, it goes the extra step of tracking ad views & rewarding End Users! If you’re new and haven’t heard the hype about BLADE yet, you can get caught up with our past posts:

And learn even more about the tech side of things, including how we’re reducing gas costs so you get increased ADB rewards!

Sneak Peek:

While you’re here, let’s take a sneak peek at the BLADE browser extension for Chrome! Coming Q1, 2019…

Follow along on the BLADE GitHub here. Join the Telegram channel here, where you can meet the team, ask questions, and get all the updates first!

