How to Schedule for Success

A Discussion of “Academic Achievement across the Day: Evidence from Randomized Class Schedules”

Ellen Clardy, PhD


The fall semester is around the corner although it will not be a typical one! Some are going back in person; some are going to do some sort of hybrid version with students’ attendance staggered to keep class sizes down; some will be online only, at least to start.

I’ve written before on a randomized study that illuminates how to succeed when class time is limited.

Still, we can hope next spring things will allow us to return to something more normal. But before we do, perhaps we can think about making it a better normal.

Let’s cancel the 8:00 am class!

As a night owl that does sound wonderful, but in all seriousness, Williams and Shapiro (2018) are examining what impact students’ schedules’ have on their learning outcomes.

As they start their piece, (p. 158)

Teachers, administrators, and policymakers go to great lengths to…



Ellen Clardy, PhD

Professor of Economics at Houston Christian University since 2010 — If you'd like to read more, click to Follow, Join the email list, or Tip. Thank you!