How Do “Head-to-Head Battles” on Gamico Work?

Part 1 of Gamico’s Product Design

Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2018


Play Games. Make A Living.

We’ve been saying this from the day we decided to embark on this mission to create an incredible platform for gamers all over the world to monetise their time and skills spent on games, but one question we always get in return is:

“ So, how does that work?”

We’ve come to realise that those 5 words, simple as they are, carry too much meaning. So we’re going to simplify our Head-to-Head Battle modes for you today (and at the same time give you a preview of our beautiful UI — which we’re pretty proud of!).

Let’s take a look at an example. Our friend, say, Johnny, happens to kick ass at FIFA.

In an ideal world, Johnny would have at least 16 hours a day to play his favourite games. But Johnny lives in our world, where most of us can only afford quick games at best. He decides to go on to Gamico for a quick game and to win some GMC tokens, all in the name of fun.

1) Play All of Your Favourite Games

With everything from eSports games to casual and mobile console games, we’ve got everyone covered.

Johnny’s game of choice? FIFA 18, naturally. He’s only got time for a quick game.

2) Challenge Anyone, Anytime

All you need to do is click “GO”!
Gamico’s servers allow you to play H2H battles anytime and anywhere, as long as someone accepts your battle request

Johnny is matched with another player, Tom — who’s registered on PlayStation as ttom_32 — and the match begins. Both Johnny and Tom’s Gamico accounts are integrated with their Twitch accounts, so both their gameplays are livestreamed, recorded, and stored on our blockchain for verification.

3) Finished? Verify Your Match Score.

What happens if Tom decided to dispute the result? This could be due to a number of reasons, but because both Johnny and Tom’s gameplay videos are stored on our blockchain, the final result can be verified by other users in the community. These other users are also able to participate in match result verification to earn free GMC.

4) Get Rewarded!

Now Johnny has the option of playing more tournaments on Gamico or exchanging his GMCs for other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

And there you have it: Quick game. Rewards earned. Mission accomplished.

We know how tough it is these days for gamers to be rewarded for their time and skills. Now there’s finally a platform for gamers, by gamers.

Because this is how gaming was meant to be.

Play to live. Live to play. Start winning in life today.

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