Chatbot News: a Free App that Aggregates and Curates News about Chatbots

Franz Buchenberger
3 min readDec 14, 2016


Every day, a wave of interesting new articles get published about chatbots, messenger platforms and general progress in related technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). To help to stay informed, the free app “Chatbot News” is a valuable resource that is now available in Apple’s iTunes and Google Play stores.

Chatbots: a major industry trend

Following the latest trends around chatbots has become quite a challenge. There are Facebook groups with more than 10,000 members; many of them actively contributing to the community of researchers, developers and marketers who believe that chatbots will be the next big thing. Publishers like TechCrunch, Mashable and VentureBeat regularly cover events, fundings, launches and general ideas in that space.

Basically, all big Internet players, like Facebook, Google, Apple, LinkedIn and Amazon are somehow involved in messengers and chatbots. Enterprise vendors like IBM, Salesforce and Oracle have announced initiatives that aim to better automate human-machine communication through bots. And a quickly growing landscape of specialized vendors and service providers, quite often startups, provide focused elements for the larger value chain in that area.

How to deal with the overwhelming wave of news?

While it was still quite manageable until the end of 2015, to watch the news around messengers, chatbots and AI, the amount of upcoming information started to explode with Facebook’s announcement of its Messenger Platform in spring 2016. Today, it is a fulltime job just to follow and read all new articles.

To help to stay up-to-date, the new app “Chatbot News” is quite useful. It aggregates articles from many sources, determines relevancy, automatically generates article summaries and links to the full text with just one swipe. If several sources report about the same piece of news, Chatbot News clusters these sources and selects the most current representative for the cluster. Still it is easy to also access the parallel articles from the other sources.

Chatbot News can be customized by creating personal categories. Categories are created by using the integrated search. For example, categories could be created for “weChat”, “Machine Learning” or for “Bots in Europe” to follow all matching news for these keywords.

Available as App, via Twitter and Facebook Messenger

The app aggregates news that gets published in English language. It covers not just the US market, but all geographies. Chatbot News is available globally, both for iOS and Android. There is also a Twitter account (@chatbot_news) that publishes top news and, true to the topic, a messenger channel for Facebook Messenger (@ChatBotsDemo). This messenger channel distributes top news to subscribers, but also employs a chatbot that answers individual keyword requests.

The content of Chatbot News is curated by WhatsBroadcast. If you have interesting sources that should be added, please contact

