COMEY BOMBSHELL: FBI May Not Actually, In Fact, Be Part of Republican Party

Alexandra Erin
2 min readJul 13, 2016



In testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last week, embattled FBI director Jim Comey was forced to admit that he is not even a registered Republican, thus further calling into question his ability to act as an operative for the GOP and leaving many to wonder if he ever had any intention of doing so in the first place.

Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) stated he was left “mystified and confused” as to how the FBI was to serve as an effective arm of the Republican Party when led by someone so doggedly apolitical. The director’s alleged non-partisanship came under fire from both sides, as even Democratic representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD) damningly conceded to Comey that “there is absolutely no evidence that you made your recommendation for political reasons.”

Astonished onlookers were left to wonder what it means for the future of the FBI.

“We’ve fallen a long way from the days of J. Edgar Hoover doing President Nixon’s dirty work,” one beltway insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, said. “The desired result that the Republican party was after could not have been clearer, and yet [Comey] spent taxpayer money and FBI man-hours investigating, assessing the facts of the case, putting them into context, and making a recommendation based on that. It’s a disgrace, I tell you.”

These stunning revelations about the FBI and its director follow on the heels of similar scandals involving the failure of multiple government agencies and house and senate committees investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks to bring criminal charges against former secretary of state and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, despite having received clear instructions to do so.

It is enough to make many observers wonder whether the entire government even serves at the pleasure of the Republican Party at all.

“I’m starting to fear many outwardly respectable people in government service are serving a different master,” one RNC delegate, who declined to be named for this piece, told our reporter. “They may be answering to their ideals, the Constitution, or, God forbid, the people, but they’re not answering to us.”

We’ll have more on this story as it develops.

