Community AMA #8 / March 15

GAT Network
GAT Network
Published in
9 min readMar 15, 2022


Hello everyone, shall we have a little chat? 😊

It has been at least 2 weeks since the last community hour. You may imagine the reasons for it. We have the biggest war in Europe since WW2 and it took us by surprise, too.

There have been some adjustments in the way we work and also in the most immediate planning. Some of you may have heard that Roman and I have Ukrainian roots. Unfortunately we also have relatives in the war zone and do our best to help them evacuate. Apart from that we are engaged in helping other refugees. One of the things we did was to offer our office spaces to refugees. This means that the team has moved to home office for the next weeks (months?).

There are also some challenges regarding frontend developers — we have had plans to onboard several of them (that we know) in eastern Europe. That is a bit challenging right now, but we are working on it.

Those are things that get in the way, but we will manage. The work continues and we are as engaged and ambitious as ever!

It’s a shame what’s happening. but people are worth a lot thanks for helping

we cannot choose what happens around us, but we can choose how we react to it. People should always come first, before everything else.

with the help of God I hope that everything is resolved as soon as possible🙏


Yeah. I hope the situation in the world will resolve soon. As for ourselves, we have adapted as much as we can. And we continue our work full-steam again.

On the bright side, some of you may already have heard the news:

GAT Network has joined the BNB Chain Incubation program — more contacts, support and mentorship upcoming! 🥳

Here is some general info on that:

yes this has been a big surprise. very positive.🔥

I am a question… I saw GATe holder and there is only 2 “whales”. One of these are devteam. Who is other?

Can you be more specific?

Who is the address 0xca71….
This address is new and have 300 wgat

ah yes, did you hear that Binance Labs has invested in equity and tokens of GAT Network ? 😉 …

Yeah! ❤️

Binance Labs is the biggest whale now 😄

so… you don’t have to worry about that wallet for a looooong time 😉

definitely Binance is a whale we can trust

Well, there is a legal agreement for vesting of those tokens. So trust is not needed here 😉

Are thies coins from the new generated ones?

yes, these are GATe

And … What was the otc price?

unfortunately that is covered by NDA restrictions 🙈

Ahahahah sure… I Tried

I said it before…I like what is happening…cleansing and a reboot of our economy on Gat Network, supported by partners like Binance…fantastic! there was never a better time to be inside

Hi team,

a short update from my side. The minting is progressing full-steam, but not as fast as we hoped for for several reasons, mainly related to the current global situation, as Wit explained above.

On top of that, there has been a small COVID incident within the team, which is now resolved, but had its toll on our progress.

From the technical side there were two roadblocks that we had to master:

First, there was a deployment issue on Polygon. We needed to re-deploy our bridge to support ERC1155 bridging (which is needed to make the minted assets bridgeable). Those contracts need to be deployed in tandem on all the networks. Unfortunately, there was a technical issue with the Polygon network that we tried to resolve with Polygon devs for almost 2 weeks. Now we have a workaround and the new bridge is deployed and should go live shortly.

Second, the issue with additional dev resources that were planned for minting modalities (especially the auctions part), which we are working on to resolve.

I expect that we can do stage testing of minting within the next 2 weeks. But I doubt that we will be on time this time to release it until the end of March. There might be a delay of few weeks.

Hope all of you are safe🙏

We do our best to keep people safe 👍🏼🙏🏼

Feel free to ask questions 😊

First problem now i am planning to issue an nft collection
Is there a mintedvodka nft edition

You mean minting your collection on mintedvodka?

So can I convert my pictures to nft with minted vodka?


Yeah, that is what has been said above. You are looking for “minting”

How much is the nft printing fee? is there a certain price for this?

@aurkan27 see here. I expect that we can start testing this feature soon. But it needs a few more weeks to go live

The initial fee is planned to be zero for now. You only pay for “distribution”. That is, if you create a mystery box, for example, there is a fee from mystery box sales, just like it is right now.

So, are there any incentives for content producers for now?

Besides zero fees, and the easiest way to have multi-chain NFTs?

Well there are lots of other features on the way….

Well, pure digital art minting as opposed to other platforms has the multi-chain benefit. That you can move your NFTs across all the supported chains

Other minting “modalities” are coming that have no competitor’s equivalent

This is perfect

in the near future, we may also run some rewards and do some shopping sprees on our end to support talented artists

This was the answer to my question
How will you evaluate the quality?

gut feeling, nothing else 😅

i think i’m good
But I hope it meets your criteria.
I don’t have a community yet



For creators and inventors

no permissions


you have earned my attention x10 🦾

but I will not ask you for more information about it. I don’t want the competition to know about this.🔥

we have a lot of activity in MV with Dixel… very promising 👏

So do I have to wait to publish the collection?

on MV, yeah. Still have to wait a few more weeks

I’ve been waiting for a long time and I can wait
I improved myself a lot with the Gat family.
I believe you
I hope it will take longer than expected.

another question
Are you thinking of getting more into the game?

We may develop more on-chain games, or launch existing ones on other chains. However, not in Q1 nor Q2. There will be more Game Ace cartridges soon, though 😊

When move GAT to GATe?

we are currently moving into a soft-launch mode. You can already get GATe, if you wish. There is also a minor liquidity on other chains. We are still in the process of liquidity planning. This is also related to potential EVM partnerships — a complex topic. From the user perspective you should not worry about it at all GAT=GATe, that is all

Can Game Ace cartridges also come with p2earn feature?

Mueng Josip:
Currently NFT is developing and becoming a new innovation in the Blockchain world. However, many Artists/Users still don’t understand how to create NFT. Do you have plans to educate about NFT to your project outside of Non-Crypto? What are the measures to increase awareness of your project in non-crypto space?

We are very eager to make our tools as user-friendly and intuitive, as possible. We indeed hope to onboard artists that are not familiar with NFTs easily. Furthermore, we will bring NFTs to indie game developers: using Game Ace technology game developers will be able to mint their games as NFTs in the coming months.

Yield Radar:
We already have MV as our market place

Yield Radar:

What is the purpose of nft cross chain? Will it become an infrastructure for nft field in the future?
Does it allow nfts to interact with each other on different chain?

We are trying to position MV as central, open go-to place for NFT purposes. Flexible NFT bridging is one of the killer-features to attract creators. Purpose? Simple: you can mint on a chain where the gas cost is nearly zero. You can take part in different EVM-chain level promotions for creators. All this without the risk to be “bound” to that specific chain.

Example: you mint and offer all your collection on Callisto. Unfortunately that chain becomes unpopular for whatever reason in 2 years. You can still move your collection to other chain easily.

Well, look at Polygon right now, it’s the new hotness, firmly replacing Ethereum as the chain most people choose when they mint and sell NFTs. What happens if there’s another new chain in the future that people prefer, do all your NFTs become legacy if something bad happens to the Polygon chain and it falls out of fashion? No, not with Minted Vodka, you can move your NFTs now and for always onto whichever chain you feel is best for you.

Are MV2 API ready?

We have an API, but there is no public description of the endpoints, yet, because they might still change a little after minting.

Once the API is stable, I will make sure to publish the apropriate documentation

Could you briefly explain how each NFT will be transferred from one user to another through your project, and methods used to ensure the protection of user’s NFTs from being lost?

There is a standard transfer function. All wallets supporting NFTs can do these transfers. You do not even need to use MV to do so
You can do it on many explorers manually as well (such as BSCscan on BSc chain)

The NFTs cannot be “lost” as they are on chain in your wallet. the assets will be deployed on distributed IPFS

This means that even if MintedVodka burned and disappeared, you would still own your NFTs and be able to transfer them between users or trading them on other platforms


Great! thanks btw :)

My last question : The Minting of NFTs is not economically sustainable due to the fact that as the demand in the project decreases, the floor price decreases and this hinders the progress of such NFT project. What solution does your have to solve this problem?

Well, there are actually several things to “solve” it. First of all, we will be targeting niche markets. We will be the marketplace of choice for smaller chains, attracting their communities to use, trade and create assets on MV. Same reason for exotic minting options such as “game minting”, which has a huge fan base in indy game developers and has no competition anywhere else

Same for claimable NFTs. We will target partners with communities in their own field. And use that synergies for cross-marketing in order to “pull” their communities into our Network.

So niche markets (although some of them not so small at all) and targeted partnerships is the primary strategy now. Positioning ourselves at the junction of existing EVM chains automatically makes the MV more attractive for above mentioned reasons.

NFTs is the future of the digital world — this is just getting started and we are right in the middle of it 😊

In 2–3 weeks another major announcement is planned. Stay tuned 😉

i dont understand the whole technical thing about nft but my intuition tells me you are definitely right🙏

Thanks for the comments and interest.


Great AMA, I am impressed by the technical ability of the team, also have a good idea in marketing

🙏 thanks to everyone for your support! 👍

an AMA certainly very meaty.👏👏👏

Very interesting! Thanks you for take time Roman and everyone🙌💪

There is a lot of work to be done — we will keep you guys updated. If there are no unexpected challenges, let us repeat this next week!

👍 a pleasure every time!
back to work! 🤓



GAT Network
GAT Network crosschain NFT Market + p2eGaming + DeFi + NFTs + GAT Token (deflationary) @Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and crosschain!