Why and how to find out what creates value before you start defining a solution

Value Before Solution

Edwin Klesman
Published in
11 min readApr 6, 2020


In this article, I’ll show you what the #valuefirst mindset is, how you — as a developer, digital entrepreneur or maker — can apply it, and I show you different ways of adding value besides coding tailored software solutions.

This article goes deeper than one of my previous articles about creating value as it provides in-depth information, examples and actionable content regarding obtaining a #valuefirst mindset.


I’ve had my share of consultancy work in my 16+ year career as a developer .

During that time, I evolved from coding little tasks and focussing on grasping the problems that people might have towards learning what the business case for creating a problem was like.

As I got down my career path, I found out that diving going straight for the problem and thinking about the solution so you can define the answer and go at it in code behind your laptop might just not be the…



Edwin Klesman

Senior dev @Detacom | cross-platform mobile & web dev | Product Maker | SaaS | from app ideas to implementation | Owner eekayonline.com | Music: edsonkailes.com