Designers and artists respond to the war in Ukraine–Herberger Institute highlights from April 2022

Assisting Ukrainian refugees

Erica Glenn, who earned a doctorate in choral conducting from the School of Music, Dance and Theatre, is aiding anti-war efforts and assisting with Ukrainian refugees. She is traveling to Poland on a Fulbright grant to conduct research and assist refugees who have been displaced.

Standing with Ukraine

A group of ASU students painted a mural in central Phoenix to show support for Ukraine. Architecture graduate student Iryna Demianiuk led the effort in her Subversive Design class in The Design School and with the ​​Ukrainian Association of ASU. As part of the mural project, students raised funds to assist in relocating Ukrainians. Faculty, staff and students in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and the School of Art also raised funds for Ukraine with an event celebrating “the freedom-loving and powerful Ukrainian electronic music scene.” The event included a talk and DJ set from Ukrainian artist, musician and curator Anton Lapov, who is currently a graduate student in the School of Art.

A musical spokesman for his country

Peter Schmelz, professor in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre, interviewed Ukraine’s most well-known living composer, Valentin Silvestrov — who is now a refugee — for The New York Times. Schmelz and Silvestrov discuss the composer’s music and politics and the war in Ukraine.

Spotlight on faculty

XR pioneer Nonny de la Peña, who founded and is leading ASU’s new Narrative and Emerging Media program, recently received a Peabody Field Builder Award and was also inducted into the South by Southwest (SXSW) Hall of Fame. The L.A.-based Narrative and Emerging Media program is a joint venture between The Sidney Poitier New American Film School and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

In pictures

Photos by Caroline Tiffany.

Fashion students in the School of Art presented collections they created this semester in the Uncertainty 2022 fashion show at Scottsdale Fashion Square.

