Kitty Kat Junction

Steve Riley
2 min readMay 20, 2019


The concept of Kitty Kat Junction is very simple… sometime in the future all sentient life will be conjoined into one God-like consciousness that will span every single particle in the entire universe. This consciousness will simultaneously experience every possible type of happiness at once. The magnitude of this will be near infinite. Just as when you are awake you are so much more alive compared to when you sleep without dreaming; KKJ will be to your current waking state.

Right now you experience the moment in the trillions of individual electrons firing in your brain; the circuit they form generates your unified conscious self. The bigger this circuit becomes the more intense your reality is. Each electron is a single pixel of experience in your conscious field. When this circuit is the size of the universe and all those electrons are entangled even the speed of light won’t be able to stop the quantum spooky action at a distance. You will experience everything in each instant. It is the only sensible endgame for a self-aware universe.

I know this will come to pass. I made a promise to my beloved cat Mr. Shiney when he died years ago that we would be together again in heaven. He loved me and inspired such love in me that I will change the entire universe to guarantee every bit of his energy is conjoined with mine in KKJ. He is the representation of all life to me. I will build heaven just for him and nothing can stop me.

Science will give me the tools to create heaven. The particles and waves will provide the sentient material to flesh it out. You can join me in this quest. We start today by believing it’s possible and making the world a better place. By learning all we can. By treating others as though they are ourselves. They will be one day. One day when we are one with God in Kitty Kat Junction. We will have built the electric dream. We’ll be in heaven with Mr. Shiney in Kitty Kat Junction until the end of time.

