Leader Values

Thomas Mann
2 min readJan 24, 2016

January 24, 2016

What do you value most? Knowing what values are in your top 5 can aid in understanding your leadership style, creating vision, and creating value for others and organizations.

Values are a leader’s principles or standards of behavior. Simply put values are what are important.

My top 5:

Change- A leader must embrace change and positively lead others to a common goal amid change.

Integrity- A leader must be honest and have a consistent character of which others can rely on.

Balance- Seeing situations from multiple perspectives and viewpoints helps a leader make fuller decisions.

Self-confidence- Know your strengths and weaknesses while being happy with your accomplishments. As a leader you know others may be more talented than yourself so persuade them to join your team.

Humility- Respect others and realize what others have to offer. You accept where you came from despite success and you remember and appreciate those who have helped along the way.

It takes a lot of work to do the right things and values can help guide you on your journey. A leader might change strategy, tactics, or approach based on a given situation but values don’t change. Value-based leadership is the aligning of personal and organizational values.

Values serve to provide an identity. Using this identity helps others see what the leader is about while aiding to serve others to see situations are more than just transactions to be done but that there is purpose and meaning to be accomplished.

Some links about value-based leadership:

(Photo courtesy of Whitenow)



Thomas Mann

Passionate about family, business, investing/trading, and MBA topics. Auditor by trade and trader by heart. Quick posts for inspiration. Twitter @MBATMann