How to Find Your Personal Path to a Life of Meaning, Fun, and Prosperity

Your path is calling to you right now, but it’s cries are probably being drowned out by all the chatter and clutter in your mind. So, here’s what to do.

David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Josealbafotos, Pixabay

I heard my path calling to me many times over the years. Sometimes I even got on to the path and walked a few paces. And then something would distract me and I’d lose my way again.

The thing is that I was never really consistently happy during those long years of searching. Sure I learned how to make a good living. And I got really lucky in the life-partner stakes. But deep down there was always this nagging feeling that something was not as good as it should be.

I made a really manful effort to get rich. I even got as far as owning a really nice house in a beautiful space. But it didn’t quite tick all the life satisfaction boxes.

At night I’d lie in bed, my mind racing, “Why was it that nothing I did ever quite created any long-lasting satisfaction?” At best the good feelings lasted for no more than a few minutes.”

The best that I ever felt was the lovely warm feeling of closeness that lasted for many hours after making love to someone I loved. But, unfortunately I could…



David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I have coached over 1,000 people and I write about how Zen can empower your life, add meaning, happiness and prosperity