5 Reasons to Join the Pakk

Deb Olson
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2018

As if “This is a really cool concept!” isn’t enough, here are 5 reasons to join the Pakk by getting onboard with NextPakk’s scheduled delivery built on blockchain:

1. Scheduled package delivery on blockchain is the solution to the problems of missed deliveries and stolen packages in last-mile logistics

The more we shop online, the more retailers and major carriers struggle to meet the demands of package delivery. Most deliveries happen during business hours, when consumers are at work. As a result, packages are either left on a front step or in a lobby, virtually begging to be stolen. Or, a “Sorry we missed you” note is left behind. Consumers often have the option of tracking their packages down elsewhere, but for most, that’s inconvenient.

2. The NextPakk system is for everyone

While lockers and drones are wonderful options for package delivery, they miss the boat on serving the whole of society. Older apartment buildings don’t have space for lockers. Those that do may not fit all the packages flooding into a building at any given point in time. Meanwhile, drones have somewhat of a limited capacity.

The summer 2017 pilot program showed that some consumers need scheduled package delivery because of health concerns. Having a package delivered directly to your door after surgery is a much better option than going to pick it up.

As for orders like meal subscription kits or live fish, temperature control is a must. Whatever the order, packages will be held indoors once delivered locally, protecting the contents from the elements.

3. The Pakka Token provides escrow capability for a sharing ecosystem

While the sharing economy continues to expand, NextPakk developed a system to provide local businesses and drivers the opportunity to play a part in the scheduled delivery system. For example, while Pakka Tokens may be used as payment for services, token holders looking to make some extra money may use them as escrow coverage while making final deliveries.

4. Scalable system capable of international deployment

A blockchain-based delivery system may be deployed for any variety of needs around the world. Whether it’s package delivery thanks to online shopping in the U.S. or coffee beans being transported from farm to co-op in Central America, the blockchain tracks deliveries accurately in real-time. Proof of transactions: set in code.

5. Eco-conscious approach to delivery

Rather than build warehouse space and run large fleets, NextPakk’s system is built on utilizing that which already exists, both as a community approach to business and to be eco-conscious.

Why waste space and resources when you can support local businesses who are willing to share their extra space? And why waste fuel with increased emissions in large trucks when mileage can be decreased?

Since local deliveries are limited to a five-mile radius, they may be delivered by someone driving a small hybrid, on public transit, or by bike — so long as packages are delivered within their scheduled 1-hour window.

NextPakk’s Pakka blockchain was designed to be a solution. It’s applicable nearly anywhere, for anyone, for any variety of purposes. Its community basis makes it a win-win, as deliveries are secure and convenient.

NextPakk: Reinventing the Logistics of Life.



Deb Olson

Continually learning to follow, in order to lead. Living a life of gratitude, striving for humility, and cherishing connections made with others…