What I wish for us 

Self-employment blessings for 2014

Corrina GordonBarnes
2 min readJan 2, 2014

This is to wish you a deeply fulfilling 2014. As we journey forward with self-employment...

May we know ourselves to be unconditionally and inherently safe, regardless of our client numbers, bank balance, or number of Facebook Likes.

May we be brave, conquering the pesky pull to stay small, hidden, invisible, or in our pyjamas.

May we get focused on what we most love to do, with who we most love to do it, and let others deal with the rest.

May we embrace marketing as an opportunity to connect heart-to-heart with those for whom we are a walking guardian angel.

May we accept - with both pride and humility - that we are who others are already looking for, and may we get ourselves in position to be found.

May we be gracious enough to receive money and may we seek out new ways to pay this abundance forward.

May we hold true to our prices as matters-of-fact, so that prospective clients can experience that rock-solid certainty and safety.

May we work hard but smart, without stress, strain or drama. May we be committed and passion-fueled... and choose sanity above all else. And when we find ourselves in a heap on the floor, may we acknowledge - with self-compassion - that this path is worth it, but not always easy.

May we reach out and lift up those self-employed friends who walk beside us, knowing that their success is interwoven with ours. May we see no competition but instead: allies, supporters, buddies and champions.

And may we always remember that our calling is no accident. We are meant to be here. We are needed. All is well.

Blessings and blessings for you this year.



Corrina GordonBarnes

Champion of the self-employed & passion-pursuing. I teach the Passion to Profit course & blog weekly about marketing, pricing & staying sane while self-employed