Camp Takota Is The Most Important Movie You’ve Never Heard Of 

(But I Bet Your Kids Have)

Marc Schiller
2 min readJan 26, 2014

Want to see how direct distribution is done in 2014?

Then look no further than Camp Takota.

These guys are absolutely killing it.

Never heard of it?

It’s probably because you’re too old.

But if you have teenage kids, then trust me, they’ve heard of it.
And today, that’s all that matters.

They’ve heard of Camp Takota, because they’re likely “obsessed” with Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart.

Never heard of them either?

That’s because you watch television.

Your kids watch Youtube.

Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie are three of the most popular “Youtubers” in the business. While most of us were sleepwalking through 2013 worrying about how independent film was about to go off the cliff, Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie were each working their asses off day-in and day-out building massive audiences of incredibly engaged fans on Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.

(Notice I didn’t include Facebook? Kids today know that Facebook’s not where its at anymore)

So not only have your kids probably heard of Camp Takota, they’ve probably already gone and pre-ordered it. And in the coming months, they’ll likely also to buy a t-shirt, a poster, a.. you name it.

In 2014, what do you do after you’ve built millions of engaged followers in social media by “giving away all of your content for free”?

You make a movie.

And that’s exactly what these kids did.

But most importantly, in today’s world not only do you make a movie, you cut out the middleman.

Rather than selling your film to Paramount or Fox, you use a ton of free (or relatively free) “off the shelf tools” and then sell the film directly to your fans.

Who directed Camp Takota? I have no idea. Who produced it? Again, I have no idea. What production company is behind it? No fucking clue.

Does it matter?


In fact, it’s not even listed on the website.

One thing is certain: Camp Takota will be one of the most profitable and successful films sold directly to fans in all of 2014.

Like Indie Game and BURN did last year, Camp Takota is writing the book on how direct distribution is done.

If you want to steal ideas from the best, then steal from these guys. They get it.

Wanna learn more about Camp Takota?

Search for it on Youtube, Tumblr, and Instagram.

That’s what the kids do.



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Marc Schiller, CEO of BOND Strategy and Influence, @marcdschiller on Twitter



Marc Schiller

CEO of BOND Strategy and Influence & BOND/360 As Well As Co-Founder Of Wooster Collective /