Biomass Briquette Plant Is Chase For Cheaper Energy 

Produce Economical Energy

shreya vaidya
2 min readMay 9, 2014

Volume of divested material is increasing day by day. But we do not know that how to use it so we destroy it which cause pollution. After independence there is large growth of industries but due to that waste material is discharged in large quantity which increases pollution. Whereas biomass briquetting machine through we can utilize this waste material in a proper way.

Briquette plant produces fuel that is perfect substitute of coal and lignite and this fuel can be easily used in different sectors like milk industry, food processing unit and many more.

Since waste from forestry and agriculture is converted into solid fuel. It helps to save environment and it is economical as compared to other fuels. In ancient time coal, wood and kerosene were used as main source of energy but now trend is changed and due to increase in population, developing country switch over towards the use of biomass briquettes.

To produce a briquette into cylindrical logs there are various raw materials which are used which are available in the ample quantity alike cumin seeds, cotton Salk, cotton flower, Bittlenut shells, Forest Leaves, Macoddana shells, Almond shells, Castor Seed Shells, Groundnut shells, Jute Waste.

By crushing all these wastage and doing some mechanical process of these materials it gets converted into a Briquette which is the final product coming out of the biomass briquetting Plant.

There is some type of mechanical pressure which is to be made and no use of chemical is taken into consideration due to these reasons these technologies is also called binder less technology to produce a Briquette.

So set up briquetting press and ready to get advantage from it.

