Remote work

More time for me, more time for my family

Andrzej Krzywda
Planet Arkency


It’s now more than 6 years, since I started working from home.

Meanwhile, I started a company, moved several times, got married, have kids, started teaching at the university. Everything has changed, but this aspect of my life hasn’t changed — I keep working from home.

Remote work is a blessing for my life.

I can choose when I work (async work), so I try to schedule it the way that fits best to our family life.

I can choose where I work. In our case, we’re living in a small village, near a forest and looking at a small deer through my window is nothing unusual. When it’s too quiet, I go to one of the bigger cities around me (15m or 1h car drive) and work from there.

I can choose how I work. It’s my decision if I want to get interrupted by my teammates (via IM) or if I want to have silence and focus on my current task.

It wasn’t an easy process. I made many mistakes along the way.

It’s hard to find the life-work balance. Not having to commute everyday is fine, but commuting and office work means more social life, more interaction with people. It also means that without really thinking about it, you’re moving a lot. It’s good for your body, good for your shape.

There’s many little things that are taken care for you, when you work in the office every day. You need to care about them on your own, when working from home.

It took me years to develop some healthy habits around such lifestyle.

It was so worth it!

What about you? Is there anything that worries your about working from home?

(If you’re a developer interested in remote working, I often tweet about such topics at



Andrzej Krzywda
Planet Arkency

On the mission to improve programming quality in the whole world.