Democratizing the power of AI for maximum social impact

Mind AI
Mind AI
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2018

What are the sustainable development goals?

In 2015, The United Nations, comprised of 193 countries, decreed a 15 year commitment to achieve 17 sustainable development goals in economic, social, and environmental dimensions by the year 2030. This 15 year plan builds upon other previous accomplishments, like the Millennium Development Goals, which were successful at reducing HIV rates, increasing access to education for more girls, and more.

Essentially, these 17 goals call for humanity to make changes that ensure we all grow and support each other on Earth, responsibly. From individuals to governments to businesses and other organizations, small changes and big improvements aim to help everyone and everything, to have better lives everywhere!


Can new AI technology help the UN reach its goals?

To start, we must begin with a simple rule: technology, of any kind, can not solve all of the problems in our world. But when the right technology is identified and applied, it usually solves certain problems extremely well. The realistic approach with what AI technology can accomplish must remain in the forefront of our minds.

Many developed nations are the developers and the recipients of these advanced AI technologies, and many developing nations are still unable to benefit from these advances. Those who aim to improve society with AI, want to narrow that gap. But, how are they doing it?

The neural network approach

Currently, many AI technologies are programmed to self-learn and improve upon a single task with a neural network as a foundation. Thousands upon thousands of hours of R&D, and billions of dollars have enable many impressive results, such as disease detection that is far more accurate than human ability. However, we can observe that many of these AI technologies will not branch out beyond their particular abilities. Large problems have quite a number of causal factors, and it’d be unrealistic to expect a solution to address so many facets of society’s needs right now with the application of a number of deep learning systems, not to mention the sheer amount of resources (data,computing power, man-hours) it would take. Certainly, these technologies have their place within each of our lives, but a new approach is needed.

The Mind AI approach

Mind AI is an entirely new approach in Artificial Intelligence development (Read our Technical White Paper here). It is a multi-reasoning engine that utilizes an internationally patented data structure based on natural language. Similar to older symbolic AI systems, Mind AI initially requires ontologies or sets of rules in order to further its learning and growth independently and ethically. However, Mind AI’s novel model solves the brittleness of AI systems that deal with natural language.

We plan to open-source Mind’s core reasoning engine, sharing this powerful new technology with the community, which includes leading developers, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and others who can help create decentralized apps that can directly solve various problems in many domains.

The Mind ecosystem will incentivize the community to contribute to a global and social cause in many different ways. For example, Joe can contribute by providing ontologies for developers who are tackling an issue that Joe feels passionate about. He’ll even be rewarded with tokens for his contributions. This means that Mind can address the United Nations goals to improve education, the environment, or even provide humans specific strategies by aggregating global data in real time, with the help of our global community.

