LiveGood 榮獲 AAA+ 商業評級 並晉級 BFH 成長動能排名全球第一丨星鑽專屬

Business For Home 是全球直銷業界的權威信息來源,致力於提供最具信譽和實時的行業新聞、公司評級和趨勢分析。其網站涵蓋了全世界的直銷企業,並通過詳細的數據分析和專業評估,幫助網路行銷以及在家工作的經營者和消費者,了解產業中的最佳實踐和指標企業。BFH 的評級和排名體系被視為行業的標杆,廣受業界尊敬。

今天,我們隆重恭賀 LiveGood 公司榮獲 Business For Home 認可的 AAA+ 商業評級,並在全球超過數百家的優秀企業中脫穎而出,名列成長動能排名排名世界第一的寶座。這一卓越成就不僅證明了 LiveGood 在健康保健與MLM產業中的領先地位,也反映了公司在產品品質、創新能力和會員滿意度方面的高標準。

LiveGood 的成功故事展示了在競爭激烈的市場中,通過不懈努力和持續創新所能達到的高度。LiveGood的成就不僅為直銷產業的變革帶來曙光,也為健康和財務自由的追求者提供了一個光明的未來藍圖。

最後我要感謝我們團隊鑽石領袖柯瑞教練的資訊分享,讓我們再次祝賀美商 LiveGood 取得的非凡成就,期待LiveGood在未來繼續引領行業,實現更多的輝煌!


LiveGood 榮獲 AAA+ 商業評級 並晉級 Business For Home 動能排名第一

LiveGood 獲得了令人矚目的成就,榮獲了備受尊崇的 AAA+ 商業評級,並在 Business For Home 上超過 650 家企業的評比中脫穎而出,成為趨勢排名全球第一的企業。這一認可突顯了 LiveGood 卓越的成長、創新能力以及致力於賦能會員的決心。


LiveGood 最近的榮譽彰顯了其對健康和保健產業卓越的承諾。AAA+ 評級證明了公司在產品品質、商業實踐和會員滿意度方面的高標準。這一評級得來不易,反映了 LiveGood 對卓越和誠信的不懈追求。


LiveGood 在 Business For Home 上超過 650 家企業,奪得動能排名第一,是一個重要的里程碑。這一排名由會員積極參與、銷售增長和活耀社群的堅定支持所推動。作為直銷產業值得信賴的權威機構,Business For Home 的認可將 LiveGood 定位為市場的領導者和創新者。

Curry Russell:充滿激情的鑽石領袖

LiveGood 成功核心人物,鑽石領袖 Curry Russell。他熱衷於幫助普通人實現財務穩定,領導著這一變革,激勵會員發揮 LiveGood 的潛力。他的奉獻精神和充滿活力的領導力是 LiveGood 崛起的重要因素。



LiveGood的使命不僅僅是在商業上成功;它是關於改變生活。通過提供優質的保健產品和有利可圖的商業模式,LiveGood 使其會員能夠改善他們的健康和經濟狀況。強調社群支持和全面培訓確保每個人都有公平的機會茁壯成長。


憑藉 AAA+ 評級和全球第一的趨勢排名,LiveGood正準備迎接更大的成就。公司的創新模式 加上 Curry Russell 鼓舞人心領導力,必將推動公司持續成長和成功。對於那些尋求健康、財富、自由的人來說,LiveGood 提供了一個無與倫比的機會。

隨著 LiveGood 繼續在業界掀起波瀾,現在正是加入這蓬勃發展社群的最佳時機。有了正確的領導、網路的加持和明確的使命,LiveGood 不只是一門生意,更是一場邁向健康、財富、自由美好未來的變革。

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還在尋找一個真正可靠的 #兼差 #賺錢 的方法?

全新趨勢商機!! 美商LiveGood正在席捲全球!!







➡️ 免費註冊佔位⬅丨歡迎聯繫LiveGoodSTAR星鑽Vicky教練 協助



LiveGood Reaches AAA+ Business Rating and Becomes #1 in Momentum on Business For Home

In an extraordinary achievement, LiveGood has been awarded the prestigious AAA+ business rating and has soared to the top, becoming #1 in momentum out of over 650 listed businesses on Business For Home. This recognition underscores LiveGood’s exceptional growth, innovation, and dedication to empowering its members.

Achieving the Pinnacle of Success

LiveGood’s recent accolades highlight its commitment to excellence in the health and wellness industry. The AAA+ rating is a testament to the company’s high standards in product quality, business practices, and member satisfaction. This rating is not easily earned, reflecting LiveGood’s relentless pursuit of excellence and integrity.

Leading the Momentum

Outshining over 650 businesses, LiveGood’s #1 momentum ranking on Business For Home is a significant milestone. This momentum is driven by a surge in member engagement, sales growth, and the unwavering support of a vibrant community. The recognition by Business For Home, a trusted authority in the direct selling industry, positions LiveGood as a leader and innovator in the market.

Curry Russell: A Diamond Leader with Passion

At the heart of LiveGood’s success is Diamond Leader Curry Russell. With a passion for helping everyday people achieve financial stability, Curry is leading the charge, inspiring members to harness the potential of the LiveGood opportunity. His dedication and dynamic leadership are pivotal in LiveGood’s rise to prominence.

Curry’s approach is simple yet powerful: helping regular people earn an additional $300-$500 per month by introducing others to the LiveGood membership. His strategy focuses on genuine connections and providing value, making it accessible for anyone to succeed, regardless of their background or experience.

Empowering Everyday People

LiveGood’s mission goes beyond business success; it’s about transforming lives. By offering high-quality wellness products and a lucrative business model, LiveGood enables its members to improve their health and financial well-being. The emphasis on community support and comprehensive training ensures that everyone has a fair chance to thrive.

A Bright Future Ahead

With its AAA+ rating and top momentum ranking, LiveGood is poised for even greater achievements. The company’s innovative approach and Curry Russell’s inspiring leadership are set to drive continued growth and success. For those seeking a reliable path to financial freedom and better health, LiveGood offers an unmatched opportunity.

As LiveGood continues to make waves in the industry, now is the perfect time to join this thriving community. With the right leadership, a supportive network, and a clear mission, LiveGood is not just a business — it’s a movement towards a brighter, healthier, and more financially secure future.

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延伸閱讀丨Business For Home 成長動能排行榜

