2 min readMay 8, 2019


Tokeneo enters the final stage of development. On May 22nd selected group of our most devoted followers will get a chance to test Tokeneo exchange engine firsthand! If you want to take part in close beta testing and make the history with us, simply write an email to beta@tokeneo.com and describe in few sentences why we should choose you for the testing stage. The most interesting applications will be rewarded with early bird access to our platform starting May 22nd.

But, there is more…💰

Along the testing stage we will be launching BUG BOUNTY program. Best bug hunters will be rewarded in TEO tokens for each bug/error they find that is replicable. We recognize three main types of bugs that may be found:

📈critical bug — reward 25000 TEO
definition: affects entire system and results in failure of trading

📈major bug — reward 10000 TEO
definition: affects entire system but does not result in failure of trading

📈minor bug — reward 1000 TEO
definition: affects only part of the system while the rest remains unaffected

Launch timeline📅:

May 8th — May 22nd — beta application phase
May 22nd — June 30th — beta testing phase, registrations go live, access granted in batches
July 1st — free access to the platform and bug bounty distribution




Tokeneo aims at being the very first exchange which you can really own.