14 Newest iOS 17 Features I Guarantee You Didn’t Know About

Let’s talk about some non-advertised features

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readJul 8, 2023


Cartoon picture of iPhone on a bed
Created by DALL-E

#1. View Credits for Music

Loving a song on Apple Music, and wanna know who worked BTS (Behind the Scenes)?

Click on the 3-dots glyph beside the song and click “ⓘ View Credits”.

View credits for a song on iOS 17 Apple Music
Image by the author

It shows you the info:

  • View Lyrics
  • Performing Artists
  • Composition & Lyrics
  • Production & Engineering
  • Available Audio Quality

#2. RIP Transparent Clock widget

Oh, I thought that Transparent Clock widget’s a crazy new addition to iOS.

