Singaporean startup Robin Reit — zero-fee REIT based on blockchain

Robin Huang
2 min readMay 13, 2018


what is Robin Reit?
Robin Reit allow Singaporean to invest in property without the TDSR regulation
we buy property just like you would. with 70% to 90% mortgage at 2% interest rate

How does it work?
just like normal REIT listed on stock exchange, we buy property and rent out
we’re able to leverage on blockchain technology, to keep record of every shareholder, and every transaction for shareholder to see
this allow us to save on accounting, audit fee, and directly pass benefit back to shareholder of RobinReit

Who will do the accounting?
all shareholder is recorded in the ERC20 blockchain system, we’ll post all transaction to public reddit

What is the management fee?
$0, zero, i do not take salary, i’m just living off my 5% dividend, when i retire, i pass my 5% to my children, my children will continue run my legacy

How do you find property to buy?
we allow anyone to submit property recommendation, including hidden gems, like a New York restaurant (25% undervalued) with good traffic and rental

How do you tenant out the property?
i’ll ask the seller to record youtube video and take picture, and we’ll post to reddit to see any tenant interested
otherwise, i’ll tenant it out to restaurant chain, like pizza chain, and do revenue split

What is your property acquisition target
restaurant, dental, medical clinic, f&b shop, in New York, Mumbai, London, Singapore, Hong Kong

what your advantage?
thanks to singapore government incentive oversea mortgage, encourage singaporean to expand oversea
we’re able to borrow 70% to 90% mortgage at 2% interest, and invest in higher yield country, like New York or India

what is interest rate arbitrage?
we’re able to borrow 70% to 90% mortgage from Singapore bank at 2% interest rate, and invest in Mumbai property (currently is 8% interest rate)

what is the benefit of investing in your ICO?
we’re more than zero-fee REIT based on blockchain, we plan to become funds management, think of hedge fund or private equity
we have plan in the future to setup office in china, and help chinese buy Hong Kong property using mortgage originated from Singapore

how to contact you?
Robin Huang, CEO of RobinReit — zero-fee REIT based on blockchain
we’re looking for venture capital now to bring us publicity in our ICO, feel free to contact me

