The only constant - ‘Change’

Nitin Dangwal
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2015


Only ‘change’ is eternal. Yes. ‘Change’ will happen, if not today, then tomorrow or the day after that. It will happen to each one of us and with that, it will bring things which may not be pleasant and take away the things which we keep close to our hearts. And after this, our life will never be the same.

For some, change comes slowly, it may take days or even years. You won’t notice it and it would appear a nonexistent fear. After some time, you will forget it and feel safe and immune from its clutches. You will become confident and careless, imagining a steady world.

But you won’t realize that how it was always lurking around you, like a dark shadow, creeping up slowly and gradually upon you; waiting for an opportunity, looking for a chance; crawling steadily and reaching behind your back, breathing down your neck and when the moment comes it will put a dagger into your flesh when you are least expecting it.

And then there will be consequences. Old friends turn into strangers, strong marriages become too difficult to bear even for a day. Long and promising career destroyed. The things we hold dear break, the memories so dear to us are forgotten. The life that was thriving till yesterday will become obsolete, vanished in the thin air like it never existed in the first place. This is the ultimate form of change. The death.



Nitin Dangwal
The Coffeelicious

Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life