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I Hope You’ll Be Comfortable in My Guest Room Even Though I’ve Made That Nearly Impossible

Mind the antiques, please!

Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Jenny! You’re here! It’s been forever since you came to visit. You must be tired, let me take you to the guest room. Yes! I have a guest room now. It’s so much better than using the couch. I hope you’ll be comfortable even if it seems like I took every opportunity designing the guest room to ensure the opposite.

What do I mean? Take a look at the bed. Once you can find it that is. As you might have noticed there are 3 to 60 pillows atop a very heavy comforter. You’ll have to put most of those pillows on the floor each night, creating a dangerous maze to navigate when you get up to pee. Then in the morning, unless you want to be considered rude, you’ll need to put them all back exactly as they were. Guess you should have taken a picture before you started tossing pillows, huh?

Don’t stress, you’ll figure it out. What you won’t figure out during your stay is the controls. We have different ones for the lights, fans, TV, sound system, those other lights, and the AC. Each also happens to be correlated with a switch on the wall. Oh, and all the remotes are identical. They’re unlabeled to go with the bedroom’s “why would do anyone do this” theme. You should check out my Pinterest board. I’m thinking…

