Parksen is giving (up to) 20.000 free IoT devices for municipalities

2 min readAug 15, 2018


At Parksen, we believe a Green, Smart and Connected world is possible. Thus, we don’t think cutting edge urban technology should be restricted only to municipalities with huge budgets. This is why we’re now offering 20.000 IoT devices for free to those cities hungry for infrastructure improvement and innovation.

Just like global warming, the digitalisation of city infrastructure is no longer an academic hypothetical, but a reality that hits the daily life of every city.

We just experienced one of the warmest summers in history, and the expectations for the upcoming years don’t throw any hope on this matter. Global warming is here, and we should do something about it.

In order to tackle this huge issue, some municipalities took measures that can come across as inconvenient for their citizens, like a temporary restriction of cars in certain areas based on their plaque number. While this can make a difference for a short while, it can certainly affect people’s lives, conditioning their daily planning or exposing them to big fines if they’re not aware of these restrictions.

With our technology, based on affordable Artificial Intelligence and IoT devices, not only car owners can easily locate those available parking spots near their destination, but this also results in a reduction of the harmful emissions, like CO2, from their vehicles, in a completely structural level.

So what is my benefit as a municipality?

The deployment and installation of these devices will allow municipalities to keep a real-time track of their urban traffic, spotting those areas where congestion and parking spots are causing more problems, and giving them the chance to direct the traffic, replace outdated infrastructures or even replan the existing city flow.

Parksen will allow these municipalities to own an overview on key data, like the amount of vehicles circulating in a specific areas, how much CO2 they’re producing or spotting which parking areas are in a bigger demand by drivers. By doing this, it will be possible for municipalities to tackle major issues on a structural level without interfering in their citizen’s lives.

Do you think your city can improve with Parksen? Please send us an email to and we will love to tell you more about it.

Don’t forget to check out our ongoing pre-sale with up to 30% discount on PARQ token purchases. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and join our Telegram Channel for constant news updates and reports.


Social Media and Community Manager




Parksen is a Green, Smart and Connected City Platform, devoted to combating the ever-rising levels of traffic congestion and pollution worldwide.